If not him, then who?

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~ Despite the fact he had two bleeding wounds he didn't bother the pain of it as much as his heart had ached. He took a firm hold of his black yet blooded suit near the cardiac region, he could count the beats of his heart race the time. It hurts ~

It hurt back then, and it still hurts. Thought the Chinese man to himself as he slammed out of his flashback, ah the old times.. Hard to forget especially after they'd left wide wounds spread open. He watched the countries argue, causing him to knock out completely of his fantasy of the Japanese independence and steal a glance at the grown kiku.. Of course, young kiku used to love yao, until the independence when kiku managed to overcome his heart and actually hurt this Chinese man, and now, kiku looks much different.. More like an outsider to yao. Yet at this point in the national meeting, kiku remained calm as ever.

Ah thinking about kiku too much would hurt this poor man, he needed to start the meeting properly so his rope of thoughts would finally cut. "You people are good for nothing aru!! We've come across the whole wide world to argue again?! Ayiah! You people!!" He stated bluntly and crossed his arms "and America!! You still owe me money aru!" He yelled out, quite trying to still change his mind to another subtitle. The response he received however wasn't as motivating.. "Then why don't you leave?" Though what hurt was the fact that the one who actually said that was the Japanese kiku who had a cold hearted smile drown on his cheeks. Not bothering to even look at the Chinese man who began forming tears on the edges and corners of his eyes "I will!".

Stealing the whole hall's attention, the Chinese marched out of the meeting room, leaving no tracks of him behind as he tried his best not to show any hints of depression and dejection.

The nations stared at the door that was slammed open a few minutes ago, just as one man began heading to it as fast as possible.

The man they called cold and emotionless had a fetish to follow an upset fellow nations? That's what the nations debated about after the blonde man had left the room following after yao. Speaking of the Chinese man, he had slammed his hand into the wall harshly with a free knuckle, wiping away his tears with the other one. The crook on the wall however marched his existence in this hallway, which caused him to keep on walking to a further away corner. Although the corner was far, the green eyed male never hesitated to track the slamming audio. And once he found the crooked wall, he slowly pressed his palm against it and gently began sliding his fingers down across it, dropping into deadly silence as his index rubbed into the center of the mark. He turned to walk another corner ahead on low heeled shoes, following the noises of innocent angelic yet low sobs into a dark room.

Yao sat in a pitch black room in the corner, leaning his back against the wall and hugging his knees to his pained chest, as he dug his face into his folded arms crying his pain out. He rose his head back up to the sound of the door slowly creaking open, only to reveal a messy haired Briton who didn't seem as clear to the dolorous gent. Honey eyes snapped completely open at the figure, trying to analyze the being through his blurred vision.

Arthur walked in slowly, mumbling lowly beneath his breath repeatedly "yao..." Silently to no particular one, picking up his name the downcast found himself losing faintly his sobs as he remained silent. Until the other male approached him and kneeled down before him to his level with no words or hesitation, he gently and softly brushed the sided fringes of yao behind his ear, placing a small thing behind one of his earshells as his thumb caressed the pale cheeks softly and wiped away his tears "smile.."

Him being 'invisible' in this darkness to the Chinese male, had planted a soft butterfly kiss on the exposed pale forehead before he got up and began walking away. Yao however stared after the male, feeling his heart pound less and less of agony. He reached a hand up to his earshell and got up. Just as he began walking to the door, the light began flushing his face and body, he found himself pulling on a thing that has been planted into his hair and behind his ear, soft.

Tugging on it gently he pulled it out and stared down at the red thorns-free rose that settled in his hand newly. Running a thumb across the stalk of the red, he felt skein thing asked taking all of his concern. Once he was completely out of room he took a better view at the rose, only to find the stalk sculpted with two words..

'I care'

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