Summer Stock

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The last summer before college was bittersweet. They were all making plans for leaving Forks but also trying to spend as much time with each other as they could. There were applications for student housing, packing, and trying not to cry every time Jessica realized she wouldn't be around her friends anymore. They would Skype and keep up with each other but it wouldn't be the same as they would be across state lines.

The Cullens were all getting ready to move and Jessica wondered about the big modern house in the woods and whether they were going to sell it. Edward told her that there currently weren't any plans to sell it and it was destined to sit empty in the woods, standing out against the nature around it. Angela and Jacob were having some issues with having to be away from each other. Seattle wasn't too far but it was still a three and a half hour drive.

Lauren was excited to be back in Seattle and was taking the impending separation from her adolescent life better than everyone. Jessica heard Ben Chenney and Katie Marshall broke up as she was planning on going to college out of state and they both agreed they wouldn't survive the long distance. It made her wonder what would've happened to her and Edward if he hadn't decided to follow her to Stanford and if Alice hadn't applied for him months ago. Mike's student visa was approved and he already booked his flight for the UK and Jessica still couldn't understand why he would take rainy London over sunny California.

Days passed by and it could've just been the summers before. They would go surfing at La Push and Jacob and Angela kept close to each other like they were afraid the other person would disappear if they didn't hold on tight enough. They ate s'mores by the bonfire and talked about all their best memories with each other as if they happened only yesterday. Eric took as many photos, trying to document every second.

Since the Cullens were not allowed on Quileute land, Jessica brought Edward to any other hangout they had. Edward had never been to any of Mike's parties and he got a crash course in a game of beer pong and pretending to get drink. After Edward's superior reflexes, guaranteed him and Mike an easy win against Tyler and Eric, Mike gave him one of those manly hugs with back pats like they were old friends. Edward didn't seem to know how to react and he kept still as Jessica laughed at him from where she was watching.

Mike drew away from him. "You're alright, Cullen."

"Thanks," Edward replied, uncomfortable. "You're not so bad yourself, Newton."

"Just between you and me, I wasn't so sure when I learned that you and Jess were a thing."

"Why is that?"

"Jess deserves good things, you know? She's smarter than everyone here and she's destined for big things," Mike explained. "She deserves someone who sees that and appreciates it about her."

"And you think I'm the right guy?"

"Well, that's for Jess to decide, isn't it? She wanted it to be me but I would only hold her back. You push her, okay? She needs pushing sometimes," Mike pulled away. "See you around, Cullen."

Edward made his way to where Jessica was seated and took the cup of beer she was finishing. She was crossing the line from tipsy to drunk and he knew her mother wouldn't appreciate if he brought her home wasted.

"I'm closing the tap for you tonight," When she tried to take it back from him, he held it high over her head. She looked like she wanted to kick him. "Listen to me okay? You said to stop you before you go too far. You made me promise."

"I'm not that drunk yet," she argued. "One more and I'm good."

"Fine," He handed her the cup. "One more and that's it."

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