"Cil! You've got to stop that." I said, resisting the urge to rub at the spot that hurt. I got distracted though. I got distracted by Cil's laugh, the way he scrunched his nose when he laughs. It was so endearing and so cute.

I had the cutest, sexiest boyfriend in the world and no one could tell me otherwise.

We were so caught up in ourselves that we didn't notice someone was there until a flash went off. We both turned around to find Arlen standing there with a camera hanging off his neck.

"Today is not about you two. No matter how cute you are." Arlen said, punctuating his words by taking another picture of both of us. "Let's go. Key's waiting in the car already!" he said, urging us to move by clapping his hands and glaring at the two of us.

We filed out of the house, Cil locking the door behind him, tucking the key into his pocket. Since today was a special day, all four of us decided to go all out. I had gotten the black hummer limo plus bought out a restaurant. Cil had gotten the most expensive present, something Jaden had wanted for a long time.

Arlen and Key, well, they also had a something something for him too.

We all got into the limo, Arlen showing his husband the picture he had taken of us, loudly commenting on how cute we look. The drive to Jaden's school took a little while, there was a little traffic and by the time we got to the school everyone was already inside the large auditorium.

With Cil by my side, I pushed open the auditorium doors and we both walked in, my hand around Cil's waist. Everyone turned to stare as we walked towards our seats which was at the front. Jaden had reserved it for us.

Thankfully, the ceremony hadn't fully started yet. We took our seats just as the principal finished his speech and welcomed the graduating class. They all moved to a corner of the stage and Cil slipped his hand into mine.

"I don't know why I'm so nervous." Cil whispered. "What if he trips? Oh god, what if they forget to call his name?"

I raised our locked hands to my lips and pressed a kiss to it. Those were all important fears and I got where he was coming from. But everything was going to be fine.

"You're nervous because you haven't seen him yet. He's fine." I told my boyfriend, squeezing his hand a little.

Cil never let go of my hand, all through the valedictorial speech and doesn't let go as they called the names of students to hand them their certificate. What a posh school. When they called Jaden's name, our cheers were the loudest, Key going as far as to whistle.

Cil looked like he was going to cry as he help up his phone to take a a video of Jaden in his graduating gown and hat, walking up to the principal. Cil had one hand pressed to his mouth as he tried his hardest not to cry. But I know him. I could see the signs.

Jaden looked over at us and waved and that sealed it. Key caught the phone just as Cil dropped it and I pulled him closer to me. Holding him as he cried. It took him a little while to calm down and when he does, I pulled out my hander-kerchief and wiped his tears.

"I'm just so happy and so proud of him." Cil said.

"I know, darling." I said, the two of us still whispering.

Key placed a hand on Cil's shoulder and squeezed while Arlen climbed over his husband's lap to press a kiss to Cil's cheek. Once the ceremony was over, Jaden rushed off the podium, heading right for us. He jumps into Cil's arms, hugging him tightly, the two of them crying.

We let them have their moment, Arlen taking pictures of the two of them. When they finally part, Jaden hugged Arlen and Key tighly before turning over to me. Our hug was just as long as him and Cil's. I tell him how proud of him I am, how proud of him we all are and he hugs me even tighter.

Arlen and Cil have fun taking pictures of Jaden, Jaden with his friends and his friends helped take a picture of all five of us. Like we were a family. And we are. We definitely are a family.

After school, we all slipped into the car and off we went. I had booked our celebration to be had at a five star restaurant. Rusells' was cleared out, the chairs were gone save for one that was large enough for a company of six. When we got to the restaurant, we found Elaine already waiting. She couldn't make it for the graduation because she had travelled and judging by the box beside her, she had come straight from the airport.

"Congratulations." She cheered as she ran over to Jaden, pulling him in for a tight hug.

We started presenting gifts once we were done with the food. Arlen and Key had bought Jaden a brand new camro, the two of the handing over the keys to Jaden who was so shocked, he couldn't speak. Elaine had written him a large check and had also pulled out a large gucci bag from underneath the table. Cil, Cil had bought Jaden tour tickets. Europe, Asian and Africa. These contained hotel rooms and more. Jaden had flung himself over the table and held onto Cil.

I had gotten Jaden first edition comic books, a card to use during his travels, a hoverboard, the new iphone and new gaming pads and the Hasselblad H6D-400C MS camera. The best gifts for the best boy. Jaden wanted to spend a year traveling and trying to find himself and we all supported that. He deserved a chance to.

We spent the rest of the day together, talking, laughing. It felt right, seated here with Cil holding my hand. I never thought I'd have this. I never thought I'd have friends, I never thought I'd find the love of my life. I thought I'd only have work, my sister and fake people filing in and out of my life. I never thought I would be this happy.

I looked over at Cil, watched the way his face was lit up. He was so happy and sweet, right by my side.

"What?" he asked, smiling at me.

"I love you. I realized I never said that today." I said and his face lit up even more.

"I love you too."

Everyone on the table made throwing up sounds. We laughed at them all but I could see where they were coming from. I knew they didn't mean it though. I knew they liked how Cil and I are.

"They act like that sweet married couple that gives everyone cavity." Arlen whined.

"Look who's talking." Jaden shot back, sticking his tongue at Arlen.

I leaned back against the chair and watched as an argument broke out, especially when Cil threw his last baguette at Arlen who let out a dramatic gasp, hand on his chest and eyes wide like he couldn't believe it. I looked over at my sister who was laughing, she was laughing so hard tears were rolling down her face.

They were crazy.

They are all crazy but I love them all.

My family.

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