First 'I love you'

Start from the beginning

Jack J: You were always very insecure and all the hate you got from dating Jack didn't help. You were strting to get really down on yourself and he could sense it. You were on Twitter one day and you were with Jack, just hanging out in his room and you said, "Have you seen the tweets about us?" You ask. "What tweets?" "The ones from your 'fans,'" You say and use your fingers as quotations marks around the word "Fans" "They say I'm not good enough for you." You add on timidly. He sighs, "Who cares what they say, y/n?, you are good enough for me, you are way too good for me.. you're perfect, and I love you." He says trying to comfort you, you look at him like you can't beileve what he said and you say, "I love you too."

Shawn: It was Christmas time and you were staying with his family for part of the Christmas break. It was late at night and you were cuddling on his couch with the fire place on, watching old Christmas movies. You were lying on his chest and you could feel your eyes eating heavier and heavier, you tried so hard to stay awake but slowly they were so heavy they closed shut. Shawn noticed and thought you were really sleeping, so he carefully moved you off of him and turned off the t.v and put away the glasses of hot chocolate you were drinking earlier. He then returned and carried you from the couch to his bedroom, he tucked you in and lowered himself down to your side of the bed and kissed you on cheek and caressed the side of your face lightly and whispered, "I love you." Slowly you opened your eyes and you knew you weren't meant to here because once he saw your yes open, even in the dark you could see his face, full of fear. Until you leaned in, and kissed him on the lips and said, "I love you too."

Taylor: It was during a fight, Taylor was flirting with girls again and you were getting sick of it. "They're my fans! I can't just ignore them!" he shouted, trying to justify his actions "Okay, so that makes it okay to grope and kiss other girls and have their hands all over you? Think of how that makes me feel! what if that was me, what if it was the other way around, Taylor you would freak out!" "Don't even start, it's different and you know it." "No, Taylor, it's not different at all!" You screamed. You could tell he was getting heated. You could see that flicker in his eyes over pure frustration. He let out a long, hard sigh, he wiped his hands over his face and flopped down on the bed and was silent for what seemed like an eternity, just as you were about to say something, quietly he said, " I love you, y/n and I don't want to fight with you... You're right it isn't fair to you that-" You interrupted his speech, "Wait, what?.. You.. love me?" You asked, he looked at you like you had two heads and in a soft tone of voice he said, "Of course I do." Taylor had never been a romantic type so his words shocked you, after analyzing all that had just happened you said, "I love you too."

Carter: "Are you kidding me? You're like a twig." He said "Look at all this muscle Carter, I'd whoop your ass in a second." You replied. Earlier Carter had called you weak and was talking about how girls aren't as strong as guys and the really pissed you off so you told him you could beat him in a fight. "You talk some pretty big game for someone who needed me to open the pickle jar yesterday." "I was saving all my strength for today, the day Carter Reynolds gets his ass beat." You say with a flirtatious smirk on your face. "Oh? Okay then, let's go, show me what you got." He said so you both started to move the furniture around so you could have a bigger space. "Okay, ready?" He says and you nod your head. "Go!" He says and runs towards u and swiftly puts his foot behind your knee so you'll fall but then guides your shoulders downward so you hit the ground softly and he is on top of you but you head hits the ground and it made a big enough sound so you thought you'd use that to you advantage. "Owah, Carter!" you say and hold your head down and weep quietly, "That hurt." he quickly tries to see what's wrong, "What happened?" You fake cried a bit loud now, "I'm sorry baby," He said rubbing your back, "I love you." You didn't think he was serious so you turned around and stuck your tongue out at him spit in his face and start to laugh, "Sucker." "Wow," he said," You may not win at strength but you win at manipulation." You laugh and it's silent for a while until he says, "I really did mean it though, I do love you." "Awe, Carter, I love too."

Aaron: You and Aaron had been dating for a while now, but most of it you had spent apart because you two live hours away from each other. You had always told yourself that you would never get into a long distance relationship because now good ever comes of it. But, it's Aaron. Your Aaron and he's so worth it. You two were skyping that night, like you do every night and laughing at w some funny video he told you to watch and once your mom heard you laughing so loud and told you to go to bed he said, "Y/N, wait" and you said, "Yeah?" You could tell he was nervous, biting the inside of his cheek and picking at something that isn't in view of the camera and looking anywhere but into it. "I wanted to wait to say it in person but, I've known for a while, for a long time actually and.. I.. uh.. love you.. so much.. and I think about you all the time and about it all the time and I've never felt this way about anyone and I've never cared for anyone more.. and I love you" It took him a while to blurt it all out but once he did the biggest grin crept upon your face and you said, "I love you too."

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