Unplanned Teen Pregnancy

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Jack Gilinsky: "I'm pregnant." You said through your ample tears, and a shaky voice. His neck snapped up and his eyes opened wider than you have ever see them. "Oh god." He said quietly, rolling his eyes up to the ceiling and pinching them shut tightly. "I'm sorry Jack. I'm sorry." You repeated in a whisper as you rocked yourself back and forth on the ground, knees to your chest and head in your hands. He looked over at you, how broken you looked. The mother of his child. "Hey, don't-don't cry. I'm not going to leave, I'll be right here. We can be parents. We can be damn good parents too. Don't worry." He said as he wrapped you up in his arms, and you just let yourself go. He rubbed your back calmingly, but he put his other hand on your stomach lightly, and a small smile stretched across your face for the time being. "That's our baby in there." He said incredulously, and you nodded and giggled softly. "Ours." He repeated, before kissing your forehead softly.

Cameron: the moment the words left your mouth, his whole face changed. Tears collected in his eyes, but you could tell he was forcing himself not to cry. "Y-you're pregnant?" He croaked, his voice breaking. It broke your heart to see that you had disappointed him like this, and you hung your head in shame. "I'm so sorry Cameron. I-I can get rid of it if you want." You whispered the last part, and the minute you said it, Cameron stood straight up, rushed over to you, and kneeled down in front of your folded figure. "No no no no no please." He pleaded, but you could still see tears in his eyes. "What are we going to do Cam? We're 19!" You yelled, your voice cracking this time. He sighed. "We're going to be parents." He said softly, kissing your forehead and hugging you tightly.

Nash: "I'M NOT HAVING A BABY NASH! I'M GETTING RID OF IT AND THATS MY DECISION!" You screamed defensively, as Nash looked sad, scared, and worried. You had told him you were pregnant, and that you had decided to get an abortion. You were only 16, you knew you couldn't be a mother yet. "Y/N no please! You can't get rid of it, it's my baby too!" He pleaded with you, small tears collecting in his eyes. "But what if you leave me Nash! Huh! What the fuck will I do then!" You screamed, but it slowly deteriorated into sobs. You couldn't bare to live without Nash, it would kill you. His warm body collided with yours, and a few of his tears dropped onto your neck. "Y/N I will never leave you. It will be really hard, but we can have this baby and we can be the best parents we can be. I promise that I will never leave you." He spoke softly, stroking your hair. "O-okay." You whispered, relaxing into his grip.

Jack Johnson: "Jack I'm pregnant. So if you want to go and drink and smoke with your friends that's fine, but don't expect to see me or your child ever again." You said fiercely. You were arguing with him because he is always smoking or drinking, and never spending time with you. But once he processed your words, his whole demeanor changed. His face contorted into worry, and he rushed closer to you, so close that you were almost touching. "You're kidding right?" He said quietly, and you shook your head 'no' confidently. "Y/N why didn't you tell me. I would have never gone out like this so much." He said dejectedly, and you sighed. "I'm scared." You whispered. He sighed in sadness and wrapped you into a hug. "Don't worry baby. Everything will be fine. We can get married and you can go to college, and we can be parents." He spoke soothingly, and you just nodded.

Carter: "All right babe, I love you so much, but I have to go now. Are next event starts in a couple minutes." Carter spoke through the phone, as you were at home and he was at Magcon. You took in a shaky breath and chewed on your bottom lip sharply. "Carter wait, I have to tell you something really important." You said. "What is it?" He asked, his voice now full of worry and confusion. "I-I'm. I'm, I'm 6 weeks pregnant." You said quietly, so your parents wouldn't hear you. He didn't answer immediately, and a knot in your stomach the size of Venus just grew bigger. "Alright Y/N, I'm coming home. I need to be with you and the baby right now." He spoke after a long pause, his voice confident and strong. You whimpered an okay through the phone, and then hung up and threw it at the wall. What were you going to do?

Aaron: "What does the test say Y/N." Aaron said quietly. But you were frozen, staring down at the pink plus sign that has single handily ruined your life. Aaron gently pulled the test out of your hands, looking at it himself, and you heard him draw a sharp intake of breath. "Oh shit shit shit shit. God Aaron why are you so fucking stupid!" Aaron said suddenly, throwing the test on to the ground and smacking his hands against his head. "What the fuck are we going to do? We're only fifteen!" He nearly yelled at you, and tears collected in your eyes. "I don't know." You managed to croak before you burst into tears. But you weren't the only one crying. Aaron had begun crying at the same time, so you both just held each other and cried.

Matt: His whole face drained of color the minute you said that you were pregnant, and he began to pace feverishly around the room, muttering curse words under his breath the whole time. You just watched him, your own body filled with worry and sadness. Your mother had you as a teen, and you had always promised yourself that you wouldn't make her mistakes. But here you are. "Matt, you can leave if you want to. My mom will understand and she will help me, I'm not expecting you to stay around anyway. My dad didn't." You said sighing deeply, a few tears dripping from your eyes. Matt stopped pacing and looked at you like you were crazy. "Y/N I would never leave you. Sure I'm scared as fuck and I have no idea what I'm going to tell my parents, or how any of this will work, but I love you and that's my baby too." He spoke softly, and a small smile stretched across your face at his words. Maybe everything would be alright.

Taylor: It wasn't even you who told him. But it was your dad. Your dad had marched you to his house, and nearly killed Taylor on the spot, before Taylor's dad got involved and pried them off each other. "You got my daughter pregnant!" Your dad yelled so loud that the walls shook, and Taylor turned white, and looked over at you with scared eyes. "Dammit Taylor! We did everything we could to make sure this wouldn't happen! I gave you everything you needed!" His dad screamed at him in frustration, and Taylor hung his head in shame, as you watched on, sobbing. "We-we were safe dad. I swear." He spoke. "Well let me tell you son, you will be a man now and take responsibility for your mistakes." His dad said fiercely, and Taylor nodded, and looked over at you again. "I'm really really sorry Y/N, but I'll be here every step of the way." He said, almost crying himself. You just nodded, trying to take in the scene in front of you. Oh boy.

Shawn: "Shawn, I'm pregnant." You said through your tears, as you handed him an ultrasound picture from your doctors appointment. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open, taking the picture in his hands and inspecting it carefully. "I can't be a mom at 15! My parents will kill me, you'll probably leave me, and then I'll be all alone!" You shrieked, not even caring about waking his parents. He immediately enveloped his bigger body into yours, his arms shaking slightly. "Y/N, don't say that. I love you, I would never leave. And we can do this together." He spoke quietly, and you could tell he was trying not to cry. You pulled away from him and nodded and sniffled, hanging your head as he kissed the top of it. His hands gently placed themselves on your currently flat stomach. "Hey baby. It's your dad. I promise I'll love you and mommy forever." He whispered gently, and you threw yourself into his embrace again, burying your head in his neck.

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