Alice in Fashion Land

Start from the beginning

She wanted to protest but all her doubts melted away in an instant. Of course she wanted Alice to make her a dress! How nice of her to make Jessica something! She was so grateful and happy!

Jessica pulled her into a hug. "You're so nice! Thank you!"

Alice giggled and hugged her back. "You're welcome!"

She wanted to continue hugging the other girl and telling her how incredible she was but Alice pulled away and sauntered off to where Jasper was standing. The other girl told her to come to the Cullens' house on the weekend so they could get started on the dress. And she should bring Lauren and Angela too so they could get free dresses. Alice was the best!

The emotions melted off like the waves receding from the shore, leaving her feeling empty and overwrought. She saw Jasper's mischievous face and knew what had just happened. A bloom of indignation spread through her chest. She would've ran to him and punched him if Edward hadn't come and held her still.

"It's not worth it," Edward said. "He only did it to make Alice happy."

"That doesn't mean he can do his Jedi mind tricks on me without my consent!" she called out, knowing Jasper could hear her as he and his wife walked away. "And if he tries it again, he will be sorry!"

Jasper didn't even look back at her as he and Alice practically skipped away out of the building. The fiends. She should ban them prom. They were ancient anyway.

"Look on the bright side," Edward, Mr. Cynical, tried to reason with her. "You don't have to buy a new dress."

She gave him an annoyed like. "That's not the point!"

He was oblivious. He and his entire family didn't seem to understand what was inappropriate or not. She walked away from him. He chased after her and she ignored him.

Lauren and Angela were apprehensive about coming to the Cullens' house. Jacob hadn't been thrilled but he wasn't Jessica's problem. Lauren suggested ditching Alice's dressmaker idea and just going to Port Angeles for their dresses. But they remembered the red gown Alice made for Rosalie's prom last year and it was prettier than anything they could ever find and they knew it.

The weekend came and Jessica drove them to the Cullens' house. She had to get instructions from Edward how to get there because she tended to get lost around the woods around it that made it into a frustrating treasure hunt. Angela and Lauren stared at the large, modern house, the sunlight reflecting off the numerous windows. They both gave her a look.

"I know, right?" Jessica said. "I was expecting a dark Victorian manor with ravens flying about and warning you of death."

"I like your version better," Lauren replied. "It would be very Jane Eyre. Maybe Edward has a wife he's locked up in the attic."

"Come on, Lauren," Angela chided gently. "I really doubt that."

"Basement then," Lauren shrugged. "He's a creepy guy."

Jessica had to concede. He did have his moments. Like watching her sleep or stalking her. What did it say about her that she still dated him?

They walked up to the front door and before she could ring the doorbell, the front door swung open and Edward greeted them with a smile. "Hello. Are you selling Girl Scout cookies?"

Jessica and Lauren rolled their eyes while Angela, bless her, asked, "Don't you not eat human food?"

"I don't," He moved aside. "Please come in. Alice is waiting upstairs in her room."

The three girls went inside. The house still smelled like freaking Christmas. Edward guided them upstairs and to Alice and Jasper's room. He left them with a muttered, "Good luck."

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