There was a heady rush at having him kiss her at her pulse. It reminded her of vampires in classic literature as they seduced their victims before feeding on them. There was that rush of danger when he was between her legs and he could so easily bite into her femoral artery. And she remembered how the French likened orgasms to dying and how it all melted together when she was with him.

She pulled away, getting to her feet despite her wobbly knees and offered her hand to him. He stared up at her in wonder, this boy of hers, and placed his hand in hers. She led them to her room and shut the door behind them before Sunny could follow. Edward swallowed as he stared down at her, nervous and excited, and she felt so special that this boy waited all this time for her.

She pulled him down for another kiss.

Later, she woke up in bed and it was dark outside. She was alone and she sat up, pulling the duvet to cover her as she looked around for any sign of Edward. The door opened and he entered, wearing only his dark jeans. He smiled softly at her as he approached the bed.

"Sorry you woke up alone," he said. "I had to feed Sunny her dinner."

"Oh, thanks," She smiled as he kissed her hair. He left soft butterfly kisses all over her face until she giggled and pushed him away. "Aren't you sweet?"

He kissed her on the lips. "Thank you for finally showing me what I was missing."

"No problem," she replied, running her fingers through his hair. "Was it everything you expected it to be?"

"Better," He kissed her again. "You were better than anything I could've imagined."

"Careful," She returned the kiss. "That sounded awfully cheesy."

"Get used to it," He pushed her down until she was laying on her back, his hands going to her belly and tickling her. He effortlessly fought her attempts to push him away. "Cheesy comes with the territory."

She laughed as he continued his ticking assault and she begged him to stop. Music playing from the living room made them stop.

"Is that music?" she asked. "Did you we leave the TV on?"

He looked furious and terrified. "Oh, fuck no-"

The door burst open and there was all of his siblings, holding up a banner that said 'CONGRATULATIONS, EDWARD!' as Madonna's Like A Virgin played in the background. They were all wearing party hats. Edward pulled up the duvet to cover Jessica more as his siblings entered the room. Alice and Rosalie came over and put party hats on both of them.

Alice handed her a plate of pie with whipped cream and a fork. "It's cherry pie."

Oh God. Jessica's face had to be red. She had never been more embarrassed in her life. Edward got to his feet and started threatening them, "Don't you dare!"

They weren't listening. The four of them stood in a line and Emmett chanted, "And five, six, seven, eight!"

"Like a virgin touched for the very first time!" they sang and danced along to the music. "Like a virgin with your heartbeat next to mine!"

They all spun in a circle and swayed to the music, synchronized in their choreography and ignored Edward's shouts for them to stop. Jessica watched the spectacle, unable to process what was happening. Edward had told her his siblings had no boundaries but she didn't know to what extent.

"Stop singing and dancing!" Edward yelled. "Is this why idiots kept going to the woods in the middle of the night? To practice this?"

"You're so fine and you're mine!" Emmett spun Rosalie around then dipped her. "I'll be yours till the end of time!"

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