An American Werewolf In Forks

Start from the beginning

On the drive home, Jessica couldn't help herself anymore.

"So, you and Jacob?" she started. "What happened to Ben?"

"He's been dating Katie Marshall since the summer," Angela answered. "And Jacob is nice."

Huh. She didn't remember hearing about Ben and Katie. Then again, the only time she never really talked to either of them. Angela hadn't mentioned anything and she wondered if her friend had been suffering in silence all this time.

Bad friend alert. Jessica was a bad friend. She should've seen it. She had to return her Best Friend title.

"And you're okay with Ben and Katie?" Jessica asked, feeling like a butthole. "I mean, you could've told me and we could've eaten some ice cream and watched America's Next Top Model together."

Angela, ever kind and gracious, just smiled and reassured her, "It's okay. I'm happy for them."

"Besides, she has a new guy now," Lauren finally spoke. "Somebody actually taller than her. He's got to be around seven feet."

"Yes, and we all saw those abs!" Jessica nudged Angela playfully. "Seven feet and all muscled goodness. Angie, you lucky girl!"

Angela covered her face in her hands, flushed red all the way down her neck. "Please stop. We haven't even gone on a date."

"But you didn't see the way he looked at you," she insisted. "It's like that French saying coup de food-"

Angela corrected her softly, "Coup de foudre."

Jessica took freaking German. Whatever.

"What I mean is it was like love at first sight," she explained. "He saw you and he was a goner."

Her friend smiled, hopeful and vulnerable. Angela was the best of them and she took care of them all without asking for anything in return. Whatever jealousy she would've felt in that moment, Jessica pushed to the furthest part of her mind because if anyone deserved love at first sight and happy endings it was Angela Weber. Jacob Black would be the luckiest boy in the world to end up with somebody like her.

"We don't know anything yet," Angela countered. "It could go nowhere."

"We'll see," Jessica had a very good feeling about all of this. "And when you guys get married, I'm the maid-of-honor, right?"

Lauren scoffed. "No way, Stanley. I'm willing to duel you for the job."

Jessica met Lauren's gaze in the rear view mirror and declared, "You're on, Mallory."

The rest of the week flew by as Homecoming was next weekend. They had a Pep rally on Friday before the football game to announce Homecoming court. Jessica's nomination had excited and freaked her out. She wanted to win but also knew it wasn't an outcome she had zero control over.

She tried to hide her disappointment as Lauren was crowned queen. It made sense. It was all a popularity contest and Jessica was aware that people could find her annoying. "Abrasive" is what the guidance counselor called her once like that was okay to say to a student.

By some surprise turn of events, Edward Cullen was nominated for Homecoming King which made her wonder if they were being serious or if it was a joke. If anybody was "abrasive", it would've been him. He wasn't at the Pep rally though and Mike was crowned king. She would have the added torture of watching one of her best friends dance with the boy she liked at the dance.

She was still part of Homecoming Court which felt like second place and she never enjoyed that. Second place was half-best, not good enough, mediocre. She always strived for more, to be better. But popularity contests weren't something she could strive to be better at. It was just something some people were naturally gifted in and she was...well, she was just herself.

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