Bleeding of Past 1

976 64 17

3rd persons POV

Punch👊👊👊......suddenly somebody punched copter on his jaw hard and he fell in the swimming pool...Gaining everybody's attention.

Bright looked at copter and immediately looked at the culprit who punched his friend and for his worst surprise it was the same person he never want to imagine....

Bright:-What the....why the hell you punched him Gulf?(shouted)

Gulf pointed his warning fingers towards Bright angrily and said between gritted teeth....every words firmly.

Gulf:-Stay out of this....from now....or else?

Then turned towards copter who was slowly came out of the pool...the moment he stood up Gulf pushed him in pool again...and shouted.

Gulf:-I told you not to do anything...then why you did all this?you promised me... you promised me bastard?

Everyone gathered around the pool cuz of the current outburst of Gulf on his own brother...they were shocked and confused

Gulf:-why the hell you did this?

Msj:-what happened Gulf?What are you doing?(asked surprisingly)

Gulf:-(ignored Msj and continued)m asking you something?

Copter again tried to come out BT again pushed by Gulf in the pool

Bright:-at least let him come out?(shouted on Gulf)

Gulf:-No(shout back)....first he'll explain then only he can come out?

Bright:-Gulf have you forgotten?

Gulf:-No,I'm not....he won't die easily cuz he have a thick ski...

Msj:-What the hell is gng on here?(shouted to gain Gulf and Brights attention)

Gulf:-Whatever is gng on u'll know soon(answered to Msj then turned towards copter agn) tell me(agn copter came out and Gulf pushed him )

Msj:-Gulf..(shouted agn to stop him BT Tha stopped Msj by holding his elbow and said)

Tha:-Let them handle their problem p...don't interfere.

Msj was not convinced

Gulf:-I said answer me first you bastard...then only I'll allow you to come out.(shouting to copter who was trying to adjust his breathes in water after falling again n again)

Msj:-Let him come out first then talk to him.(pushed Tha's hand and held Gulf from his shoulders and said calmly)

Gulf:-No...he will answer first then only he is allowed to come out.(answered in rage)

Msj:-He will get ill Gulf.(said calmly)

Gulf:-He won't cuz he is a thick skinned he wont(again answered in same tone)...and you stop acting(pointing to the person in pool)..and answer.

Bright:-He did it for you(shouted angrily) heard that...I answered.....he did it for you.

P...somebody shouted from behind....and everyone turned to the source of the voice.

Mook:-Gulf...(shouted n pointed her fingers towards swimming pool)

Everyone turned to the direction again where they saw copters unconscious body is now floating in the pool.

Gulf:-Don't worry p he won't die....he is just acting(answered mook n turned towards copter again)....You can't fool me again with ur fucking tricks....just answer me(shouted)...are you deaf...answer me damn it...or I'll Ki...

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