Chapter Fifteen- My Money's On Nuclear War

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What causes the apocalypse?

"Vanya?" Cass hissed as she ran through the same corn field she saw in her vision

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"Vanya?" Cass hissed as she ran through the same corn field she saw in her vision. She was cautious about how loud she was shouting, she knew the milkmen assassins were near by and the last thing she wanted to do was lead them right to her sister.

"Vanya!" Cass beamed when she quite literally ran into her sister. Vanya looked terrified.

"You know me?" she stammered, her breath shaking, heart racing and eyes wide in terror.

"Yes, yes I know you," Cass said softly, trying to reassure Vanya that everything was going to be okay, "But there's no time."

"They're shooting at me!" she said, panicked, looking around her with a terrified expression.

"I know, I know," Cass coaxed, taking Vanya by the shoulders to hopefully calm her down a little, "It's that fucking milkman, isn't it?"

"You know them?" Vanya asked. Cass wasn't sure if Vanya was scared for her or scared of her.

"No," she reassured, "I have no idea who they are, really. But I know you and I'm going to help you. I promise. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get here but I'm here now and I'm going to save you."

"How? I don't understand," Vanya said, sounding on the brink of tears, "Who are you? Who are they?"

"You know what the best thing about an uncertain timeline is?" Cass said with a slight smile that only made Vanya even more confused.


"The only time it is certain is when you're about to die," she nodded, "Duck!"

Cass pulled Vanya down, shoving her by the shoulders as bullets whizzed past their heads. Crouching low, they moved through the field, ducking down out of sight and trying to put as much distance between them and the assassins as possible. Cass could barely see anything above the corn plants and she didn't want to risk slipping into another vision. She needed her wits about her but that meant she had no idea where the assassins were. They could be walking right to them.

"Shit," Cass cursed under her breath, stopping both her and Vanya in their tracks. She could hear footsteps in front of them. And behind them. Fuck! How many assassins were there?

"Do it!" Cass said firmly, spinning around and looking Vanya dead in the eyes.

"What?" she panicked, flinching at every sound around them.

"Come on, Vanya," Cass encouraged softly, "You can do this."

Vanya didn't seem to hear her. She was turning her head around frantically, every noise setting her on edge. Her fear increased with every second. Her breathing got out of control and she didn't seem to hear any of Cass was saying. But Cass knew she was going to be okay. Instinctively, Cass dropped to the ground.

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