Chapter Twenty- Hey Pop, How's It Hanging?

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Who are you?

Their father walked straight in, looked them all up and down in a snide judgemental glance and took a seat at the head of the table

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Their father walked straight in, looked them all up and down in a snide judgemental glance and took a seat at the head of the table. The others, out of sheer awkwardness, also took a seat. It was just like when they were kids and had to stand behind their chairs until their father told them they could sit down. But this time they were strangers, and he was still treating them like shit.

"Not only have you burgled my lab," he said disdainfully, getting straight to the point, "Set my chimp loose, repeatedly stalked me and, on numerous occasions, called me-"

Sir Reginald stopped mid sentence and stared at the flamboyantly dressed Klaus as he staggered up to the table, overflowing drink in hand, and sat down at the only empty seat at the table that was, unfortunately, right next to dad.

"Hey pop," he said, jutting out his chin instead of waving, "How's it hanging?"

Klaus took a long slurp of his drink.

"Called me dad..." Sir Reginald continued, now thoroughly weirded out, "And now my reconnaissance tells me you're not CIA. Not KGB, certainly not MI5. So," he coughed and shuffled his chair closer to the table so he could fold his arms comfortable and rest them on the table, "Who are you?"

Everyone stared at the others, mouths slightly agape as they tried to think of a way to phrase their crazy situation in a way that wouldn't make their father think them insane and lock them up in an asylum. Twice for some people at the table. No one knew what to say. No one except for Five.

"We're your children from the future," he said and revelled in the silence that followed, looking slightly smug and pleased with himself.

To everyone else's surprise, Sir Reginald wasn't scared away by this. In fact, he didn't react much at all. He rarely did. Cass wasn't surprised. Not because her powers had begun to come back, although they had, but because she had already explained all of this when she got Grace to bully him into seeing them. She didn't want to tell Five in case she hurt his ego.

"In 1989 you adopted us and trained us to fight against the end of the world," Five continued to explain, even though Sir Reginald already knew all of it, "Called us The Umbrella Academy."

"Why on Earth," Sir Reginald began in that grating tone bordering between amused and enraged that never failed to make Cass tense up. She wrapped her fingers around her thumb to help keep her grounded, "Would I want to adopt seven-"

"Eight," Allison interrupted, not caring if their father scolded her for interrupting him. He wasn't their father yet, he had no control over them here. Or so Cass had to keep telling herself.

"One of us isn't here," she shrugged. Sir Reginald frowned and looked around the table for an answer.

"Dead," Diego spoke, not looking up from staring at the table cloth, "One of us is dead."

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