Chapter Twenty Six- Control Your Powers

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Is that what you meant? Oh what would you know, you're dead

Is that what you meant? Oh what would you know, you're dead

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Cass's eyes snapped open and her chest heaved into action. A sharp intake of air was drawn into her lungs and her heart set about beating again. For a while, Cass was paralysed. She was unable to move, or breathe out, as her lungs fought to draw in enough air to re-inflate and restart her breathing. Her heart was beating again and the fresh flow of blood made her head woozy and her vision blur. She felt as if she'd fall over but it seemed she'd already done that. She was lying down, somewhere dark. Which was probably just as well, she had no idea how her eyes would have managed re-adjusting to having to see again. It was so easy being dead.

When the light didn't return to her eyes, Cass started to panic. She was lying down, now that her senses had come back to her she was sure of it, and she didn't have lots of space. Cass lifted her arms and felt the ceiling, if she could call it a ceiling, only a few inches above her. Where on earth was she? She couldn't see anything, there was nothing to give her any indication as to where she was, just darkness. But she could hear, if she listened closely she might be able to hear something that would give her location way. Cass strained to listen, to catch a glimpse of something. But everything was quiet. Quiet and still and dark. Much like being dead. Except in the end heaven was her father's study, she'd much rather be left in an endless void of nothing.

Perhaps she really was dead now. Where she had been with her father was just a hallucination, something her mind had done as she lay dying. And now, this really was what death was like. If she was dead now, then she'd be able to talk to Klaus. Klaus would hear her!

"Klaus?" Cass said, speaking aloud into the void. She felt stupid. What was she doing talking to herself? What if no one heard her and she was just talking to herself like a crazy person? Well, her family had always thought she was a little crazy so maybe it wasn't that big a deal.

"Klaus?" She said, a little louder, "Klaus?" She repeated his name until she was nearly shouting. She was beginning to get a little claustrophobic and the feeling that she might genuinely be dead was fading. If she were really dead, would she be able to feel this much? And now she felt even stupider for calling out for Klaus.

Just as she'd decided to stop calling for help, the ceiling opened above her like a lid. Blinding light flooded into the space where Cass lay and she had to screw her eyes up. The light felt hot behind her eyes and her head was beginning to ache.

"Cass!" a voice said above her, a voice that Cass knew well, "You're not dead! Which is good for you because if you were just ignoring me I'd have killed you."

Tentatively, Cass opened her eyes against the white light of a cloudy sky. A blurry figure loomed above her. She focused her eyes. The blurry figure was Klaus.

"Klaus!" Cass said, leaping up and throwing her arms around him. Klaus took his arms off the lid and hugged her back, causing the lid to fall and hit Cass on the head.

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