Chapter 1

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"Why are you so evil" Diamin asked.

"Ah! the question that's been asked for so many times" replied a husky deep voice that resonated through the brick walls of the hidden castle.

"Century after century , generations after generations my story have been retold with so much of hatred people have loathed me so much"

"Enough of that " she snapped making the two children to rise up off the chairs they've been tied to as if there were pins that were magically attached to it.

"Well let me ask you something this time"

"Why are you good ? I presume that's what you are since your different from me"

"Oh ! Come on ! don't be shy sweethearts you have nothing to fear".
"It's better for you to answer"
She added with a threatening voice that made their neck hair to rise.

They were taken aback and seemed to blank out for a moment .

She looked at them her eyes glittering with violence and hatred. She knew she got them at the position she wanted .

"Well I expected better fr___"
"We have two good parents and grandparents who teach us to face life and To be good to evil" Diamin said.

"Yeah and we don't have mental ideas like a pea brain git like you" Wednesday added.

"And anyways they taught us how to accept everything in life and to follow your heart always" she added hastily seeing the frown on Diamin's face.

"Then you've been influenced into becoming who you are" The Evil Queen said with concern and pity in her voice.

She strode over to a dark damp corner she knelt down and opened a concealed door built inside a stone slab .

She picked up a large oval shaped stone . She held it over her heart and felt a rush of emotions all her memories with her lover flashed before her eyes .

She replaced the lopsided stone on the cold hard stone floor . All the happiness in her eyes faded away.

Wednesday gasped when she saw what it was . She was sick to the pit of her stomach and felt a sudden urge to hug the woman before her . She felt surprised but nevertheless she didn't deny her feelings.

" Diii aa min loo look it's a huuu mmm an heart "

"Wednesday for goodness sake don't tr___"

But she stopped abruptly. She felt as if she had been stabbed in the heart tears of sympathy began rolling down her dirty brown cheeks.

"Yes it's mine see the pain I've gone through the world will forever know me as an evil queen who tried to murder poor little snow white and someone who was so obsessed with beauty"

"My past hasn't be as famous as others"

"People choose enjoyment not sympathy they are comfortable and enjoy someone's pain"

"I will forever be labeled as EVIL "

"My heart was cut open from my chest and turned into a stone by a wizard who tried to ease my pain . Since then when I touch the STONE HEART that's when my old memories return"

"Doesn't matter right? never knew even I had parents too . Did you?"

she shouted causing blood to rush through her body a nearby bat had been focusing on her flew in a rapid speed and sucked up her blood and flew again.

"Have you ever known the secret behind my magic mirror"

Hey guys it's me the author just wanted to write about a villain whose past hasn't been told wonder what's behind her past

Want to know more about her

Want to know the secret behind her magic mirror

What are your thoughts about the first chapter so far.

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Do you know any other super villains whose past hasn't been told notify me and I will try my best to wound up another nice story.

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