Like Cinderella : Happy Ever After

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Like Cinderella : Chapter 10

-Happy Ever After-

~Cassandra Bell~

Six months. It'd been six months since Gary McCabe was arrested for domestic abuse and third degree murder. He got an estimated thirty years in jail. It'd been two months since me and Cain had started going out. And it had a month since I officially took all legal responsibility of Lee.

That day when Gary was arrested, I thought I was going to die, and if it hasn't been for Cain I would've. The police came in just two minutes after, arresting the guy. After that Andrea moved away to France, and Danielle decided to get away from here and go for University. I on the other hand, signed off my dad's company to Mrs Adams, who had been extremely nice to me from the very beginning. Cain told me how she used to be a workaholic, but now. Now she spends all the time she can with us, especially with Lee.

I think after seeing how me and Leon suffered without parents, she didn't want Cain to go through that anymore. She finally saw how much Cain actually needed her, and how much more she needed him. It took a lot of time for Cain to warm up to his mum again and I really don't blame him. Even now sometimes there's a lot of tension between them.

Even though I signed the company off, I still had a fortune to my name from my dad, mum and grandparents. Honestly I had no idea on what to do with that money just yet. Me and Leon did buy a small apartment though, it's not far from Cain's house, even though he insisted we just stay with him I thought it may have been too much. Although to be honest the both of us literally did live there.

Also you might ask why I signed over the company, well mainly because I had no intention of running it. I didn't know the first thing about business, and I just couldn't imagine myself owning the company.

Today however, it was Lee's birthday party. His sixth birthday. He had been going to school now as well as before I hadn't a clue on how to enrol him, especially without some adult. Though he'd only missed out on nursery.

"Sis!" shouts Lee from downstairs, think of the devil and he shall appear, I think as he bounces into the room. "Hurry up otherwise the cake will be gone by the time you get there, and I want you to be there when I cut it." He says pouting. Aww. We were at Cain's house as apparently Leon said our house was too small to host his party.

"Lee, I'm coming but do I have to come in this dress?" I ask whilst adjusting the beautiful dress again. I hate dresses, and again it was really nice and everything but it just wasn't me.

"Yes! Sis, the theme is prince and princesses! And you're the top princess and Cain is top prince!" Lee says in an exaggerated tone. I blush, but try to play-glare at him. He was so cute! I could just eat him.

"Okay, okay! Let's go!" I exclaim, following him out.

Downstairs I saw a couple of boys and girls around Lee's age, Cain and his mum in the kitchen. I walk up to Cain, standing beside him.

"So, Cinderella?" he asks eyeing my attire.

"Yes Cinderella, got a problem with that?" I question him with a daring look.

"No, actually. No problem at all." Cain says, smirking. Ugh.

"Sis! Hurry, I want to cut the cake!" Lee shouts again. Smiling, I went to join him.

After cutting the cake the kids went out to the garden to play, and I was left with Cain alone. "So want to play twenty questions?" he asked me as we sat down together on the sofa. I smiled slightly.

"Why not?" I shrugged but then snuggled into him as he wrapped his arm around me. "You can go first," I say and see him smirk slightly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I know I'm going to regret this though," I whisper quietly yet mockingly. You know this is a very comfortable position, maybe if I just close my eyes...

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I had heard what he said and I murmured an incoherent 'yes'. I don't think he understood though because I felt him checking on me and then laughing when he saw my eyes closed.

"My Cinderella," he whispered and I felt him peck the top of my head and after that everything was a blur.

To be honest though I felt just like Cinderella.
And like Cinderella I had my Happy Ever After.

The End :)

A/N: I really did enjoy writing this, it was quite fun :) Haha I hope y'all enjoyed reading :)

Like Cinderella - Watty Awards 2013Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora