Like Cinderella : In Trouble

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Like Cinderella : Chapter 9

-In Trouble-

~Cassandra Bell~ 

He was Mystery Guy! Cain was Mystery Guy. Cain Adams the obnoxious, jerky asshole was my Mystery Guy. Right now I was in the park near my house and had been sitting there since running out the house. It was getting darker and colder, and because I was still only in my tank top, I was freezing. Ugh. At snail speed, I got up to start walking. 

As I was walking, I heard a car honk from beside me. Whoa. Where'd that come from. The guy sitting in shut off his engine, getting out of his amazing car-I don't know much about cars, as you can see from my description of them. Soon after, I realised it was no one other than the prince of jerks himself. Cain. However the expression he was wearing on his face was really unexpected. He looked...worried and concerned. 

"Thank god I found you!" He said reaching me. Why was he looking for me?

"Okay... Why were you looking for me precisely?" I asked back. Cain shouldn't be worried about me. Looking up I saw that he was stuck for an answer. 

"Well you just walked out on me, and didn't come back. Your dad didn't look like he cared but then Leon came up to me and said you usually went off like that when you were upset, and he said to find you, and... and..." Amused, I looked at him, a smirk playing on my lips. 

"You said 'and' like ten times," I stated, enjoying Cain's uneasiness. 

"Seriously, out of everything, you just noticed that?" He snapped, but I could hear the smile in his voice even though I couldn't see it. I shivered again slightly from the cold. “You know if this was a movie I’d have a coat ready for you to wear but seeing as we’re not and I’m a really bad hero, I think we should just settle with a hug?”

I laughed at him, “No thank you kind sir, I am fine,”

“But my lady, if you don’t take me up on my offer you shall get a cold and we cannot have that,” he said trying to be posh; I ended up laughing at his imitation.

“Oh it’ll be fine, I’m batman…”

“You’re what?!” Cain asks and cracks up laughing. "Hey, Bell we should get into my car before we get a cold or something." Bell? Meh, probably a guy thing, to call people by their surnames, for some reason it felt nice being called that because that was my dad’s surname and it had no relation to father.  

Though instead of getting in his car, I decided to tease Cain a bit more. 

"You know that's what every kidnapper says," 

Suddenly he grabbed my hand. "Well then, consider yourself kidnapped,"

"Yeah, by a moron who doesn't know how to hand-break his car," I responded pointing at his car, which was slowly rolling downhill. 

"You mean by an insanely hot-wait what?" That's when I crack up laughing and the twerp runs after his car.


Cain's car didn't meet its horrendous death as Cain saved it. Just in time. It was funny watching him run after his car like a monkey. 

"You know, I had a lot of fun, even though it was just for twenty minutes… maybe we could like hang out some other time..." Cain drawled. Maybe some more teasing would be worth it. 

"Are you asking me out on a date?" I questioned with a raised brow.

"Yea-no -wait ye-no, no not a date." He stuttered, but then regained his confidence, "Well not unless you want it to be,"

"Well football players and jocks aren't really my type..." I say and see his expression dim. "But," his eyes light up in hope. Aww. "I could give it a shot I guess,"

"Okay, great. How about Friday night?"

"Sure, “I reply. I know I shouldn't be doing this, one because I really won't have time to date when I have Lee's responsibility on me and two because just a few hours ago I hated this guy, well... Not hate, I mean he did try to be heroic that day and save me from falling off the ladder, and he saved me from that nincompoop at the masquerade.... 

"Well...err... See you then," I say, heading towards the front door. 

"Yeah, see you." He breathes. 

As I near the door, a feeling of dread overcomes me. Something bad is going to happen. Slowly and carefully I walk in, avoiding everyone. 

"Cassandra!" Bellows a deep, slurred voice. Fuck. "Get your filthy ass over here!" He was drunk. I whimpered. He was drunk when he killed my mum. And he was drunk now. 

~Cain Adams~

As I turned to go back to my car, I felt like...I don’t I shouldn't go. I stood there for a good five minutes, contemplating on what I should do, ugh, I bet I looked like a freak-just standing outside Cassandra's house. 

As I was about to leave I heard a strangled scream from inside. What if something happened to Cassandra? Maybe I was just over thinking things. Pushing all my thoughts to the side, I turned back to knock on the door. Her house was in no doubt pretty big. 

As a maid opened the door, I told her to get Cassandra, in a strained voice she replied, "She's not here," 

"But I just dropped her off," I tell her. My suspicions start to rise as Andrea herself comes to the door. 

"What'd you want Cain? You made it pretty clear you didn't want to marry me," 

"Err... I dropped Be-Cassey off and errr.... She...forgot her phone in my car," I lie, taking my own phone out of my pocket. Okay I’m sorry, can’t lie to save my life.

"Cassandra doesn't have that phone Cain, I think you-" but she was cut out when I heard a scream and a chorus of swear words. What was going on? 

"I think you should leave Cain," Andrea continued in a neutral tone. What was she even trying to hide?

"Hey, what is going on in there?" I demand. I had a bad feeling about this, and it got worse when Andy started to panic. 

"Nothing, Cain you should go," No, that isn't happening until I figure out what's going on inside. I knew standing here wasn't going to help at all, so I pushed past Alexi-Andrea, into the house and followed the sound of where the cries were coming from. 

What I saw was incomprehensible, Mr Bell, was standing in front of Cassandra, ready to punch her in the stomach. 

"Mr Bell, I think you should stand away from Cassandra, before I call the police," I shouted in a menacing tone, which even I didn't know I had. The drunken man turned towards me with murderous eyes. Slyly I got my phone in my hands. 

"Oh so you’re going to tell me what to do? Huh? If it weren't for this slut, you'd be marrying my daughter and my business would be saved, so why don't I just kill her off, it's nothing I haven't done before, isn't that right sweetheart?" I saw Cassandra whimper. What the heck was this man on about. He had killed someone? And he wasn't in jail for this already. 

"I said, stand away from Cassandra," I stated again calmly. "I’ve called the police," I said holding up my phone, which had been dialled to 999, who had heard the guy’s whole threat.

Out of nowhere there was the siren which started ringing through the tensed air. I guess they tracked the call. 

And you know what? I couldn't help but smirk.

Like Cinderella - Watty Awards 2013Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin