Like Cinderella : Getting Ready

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Like Cinderella : Chapter 5

-Getting Ready-

~Cassandra Bell~

Okay, this isn't going to work. Father's never going to let me go to prom. Nope, never. I tried telling Jasmine but she wouldn't hear it. She said I had to be there no matter what. I even said I had to babysit my brother and she replied by saying she'd hire a babysitter. There was no way out. If I don't go she'll kill me, and if I go father will kill me!

"You know Dad's going on tour tomorrow." Danielle said. I was in my room with Danielle. Just like Andrea had said Danielle was in my room. She had moved back after two days-two weeks ago- but her majesty didn't like the colour they had painted in her room so Danielle was again my roommate. Like last time we were pretty much ignoring each other, until I started randomly muttering to myself. I guess she overheard.

"And he's not back till twelve at night on Friday." Okay I don't get why she's saying this.

"Prom's on Friday," she paused, looking at me with raised eyebrows as if telling me something.

"Oh my gosh! You're so dumb! I'm saying go to prom and be back before twelve. Back before dad is back!" She said in an aggravated tone. Oh, that's what she was implying.

After a while of silence, "What about Lee?" I asked.

"Well... I'm not going so I'll babysit him, if you want." What the heck? Why was she being nice? Danielle usually does what Andrea says. Maybe it's a scheme of theirs to get me into trouble.

"Why aren't you going?" I question.

"Can't be asked," was her reply.

"How do I know you're not planning something with Andrea?"

"You don't. But just so you know, I'm not her fucking puppet anymore. Let's say I realised how much of a bitch my slutty twin is." Danielle said angrily. I'm glad we agree on something, I say mentally.

Maybe she wasn't that bad without her twin...


"You are wearing this, end of discussion Cas!" shouted Danielle.

Danielle and me had become friends in the past two days, she even sat with me for dinner-which was something. I found out that the real reason she wasn't going was because of her asshole ex and bitch twin. Her ex cheated on her with her twin and now they were an item.

Right now Danny was shouting at me because I refused to wear a dress.

The dress was beautiful but not me. It was a full length dress which fell to your feet elegantly like flowing water and under the chest was some material sewn in to look like pleats going sideways instead of down. Then the top was strapless and sequenced with silver gems. It was stunning.

"It's not my thing! Please, I'm not wearing that!" I protested but Danny wasn't having it.

"The theme is fairy tales and in this dress you'll look like a princess. Look I'm not wasting any more time, go and put that on before I punch you." Resigning, I sighed and went to put the dress on.

As I came out she gasped and gushed over me like I was some adorable kitten. She turned me around and gasped again but this time in a different pitch.

"You have a tattoo?" Shit, I forgot about that. Because the dress was strapless and didn't cover my shoulder blade, she saw it.

"Y-yeah?" I replied hesitantly.

"Oh my gosh! It's so cute. When'd you get it?" She asked excitedly. You know I've realised she says that a lot... "Oh my gosh," and "It's so cute!" Frankly it's a tad annoying.

"Last year when I had to visit my cousin, we kind of got drunk and did stupid stuff. After that I swore to her that I'd never touch alcohol again," There was more to the story but she didn't need to know that. My cousin was twenty-one and because she pretended to be my parent I was allowed to have one. And let's just say that the tattoo artist may have been a bit out of it when he gave me a tattoo and it hurt more than it should have.

After that Danielle started to do my hair and makeup, not asking anything else.

"Wow! I told you it's perfect! And with all your makeup and accessories done you look like a goddess!" Pfft. A goddess? I looked more like some idiot put in a dress. It's not Danny's makeup or dress. It just doesn't suit me.

Danny didn't cake my face with makeup so I didn't mind. She curled my hair and wanted to leave it down but after my pestering she put it up in high ponytail, leaving my side fringe out.

I touch my hair again, consciously, "I really don't get the point of this, I'm only going to go help out then come back." I say in hope she'll let me go in jeans.

"Well because I'm not going and I wanted to dress someone up. Anyways here's your mask and go before your late." I glanced at the mask. Wow. It was amazing; the mask was the same colour as the dress and had swirly patterns covering it. A trail of silver glitter outlined the mask and the eyes. The mask was a half mask and only went down to my nose.

"Wow this is so pretty Danny, did you make it?" Danielle took art and was amazing at it, she had so much talent it was unbelievable. She nodded shyly. "Thanks." I say, smiling at her.

As I turn to leave she shouts, "Be back before twelve!"

I feel just like princess.

Like Cinderella.

~Cain Adams~

"Hurry up man! Jaz is gonna kill me if we're late!" I shout into my phone from my car. I was waiting for Max outside his house because he needed a lift as he'd crashed his car a few days back.

"Coming dude! Wait!" He screamed back. Ugh he's taking so long.

"You're taking nearly as long as girls take! Hurry up or else I'm leaving!" I threaten. Glancing at the time I see that I'm going to be late. Shit, I'm going to have fin explaining this to Jasmine. What is he even doing in there?

"Don't rush me! And I'm outside now anyway." He said just when I heard the passenger door open.

"Let's go!" I say and rev the engine.

From the corner of my eye I see Max glancing at me. "Hey dude...." His tone sounded too sugary...

"What?" I asked suspiciously.

"You know Tillie?"


"She's my date..."

"And?" He wanted me to pick her up, sorry dude not happening.

"Could you..?"




"I'll buy you GTA for Christmas,"

"I have that already idiot,"

"Well I'll hook you up with someone,"

"Don't want to be hooked up,"

"I'll buy you COD Ghost as soon as it comes out," Oh he was making a hard bargain. I really want that game because apparently it's a big leap forward from the last edition. I took the turn in to Tillie's road.

"Deal, but you are also explaining to Jaz why we're late," I say with an evil smirk. I hear him grunt.

"Hey don't you have a date?" He asks a little later.

"Dude, you know I hate parties like this," he just nods and runs out to get Tillie. Partied were people have to dress up and all that. I think it's just too much. Plus lately I've noticed I've been acting slightly weird.

What's wrong with me? Seriously?

A/N: I had to ask my brother about the latest games, quite funny conversation actually.

Like Cinderella - Watty Awards 2013Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang