Like Cinderella : Walking Home

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Like Cinderella : Chapter 2

-Walking Home-

~Cassandra Bell~

He called home. He called home. The principle called home. Why did he call home? He was going to kill me. He said that there should be no complaints of me. Or from me. He said he'd...kill me next time. I-I can't go home. I can't go back to him. But if I don't go he'll kill my baby. My baby brother, the only thing that keeps me going. 

Why? Why does it have to be me? Why couldn't I have just said sorry and walked away?

Why did he have to walk into me?! You know what.... It's all his fault! Stupid good for nothing jock! Ugh! Who am I kidding it's my fault. Everything is my fault.

I don't know where I was heading but I couldn't stop walking. I'd walked out of school property and was just trudging on to unknown land. When I had composed myself enough to try and find a way back, I realised where I was. The bad parts of town. Fuck! How'd I get here? Oh no this isn't good. Desperately I looked for a way out of here. Clutching my bag, I speed walked trying to get out. Suddenly there was a sound of an engine roaring. It was getting closer. And closer. I picked up my pace but it was no good the people caught up with me. There were two bulky looking guys on a motorbike looking me up and down. Before they could say anything I started walking faster.

"Hey man, don't you think she'll do for tonight? It'd be a lot less chaos ya know, and she is trespassing." the guy driving called to the one behind.

"I dunno, she don't look all that...good, man." I would so take that offensively in any other situation, but I guess it was good they didn't find me 'good'. Plus I kind of knew I wasn't pretty.

"Well ya know virgins are just more fun than those sluts at the club. And she don't look dat bad, better than the one you bought home the other day." They did know I could hear them, right? Well, who cares? Not me because that's when I broke into a sprint. As I weave in and out of small alleyways, they followed me. Fudgeballs! You know how in movies in these type of situations there's some sort of dead end? Well I feel like I belong in a movie then. I could do a great job in a movie, right? Why does everything bad have to happen to me? Why can't God, for once, help me?

I trembled slightly as the two men got off their ride. No, this could not be happening. The reality of this situation hit me like a ton of bricks. When one of the gangster guys stepped forward, I crouched down to the floor grabbing tin. Seriously? This whole day has just been fishtastic. Did I seriously just say that. When I'm in a life and death situation?! Wow, my brain is messed up.

"D-don't come near me. J-just s-stay away!" I said but I was lacking confidence. The man just laughed and moved closer. Well he's asking for it. I chucked the rotting tin at the guy, catching him off guard, making him fall to the concrete floor with a thud. Okay that went way better than I was hoping for. I did a quick meantal happy dance. Who da man? I da man! Okay shut up seriously.

You know from the things in doing I might sound like some confident badass chick, but I'm really not. Today is just a weird day, I guess. First I shout at the number one jock. Then I have a food fight with him. And now I'm attacking gangsters...with fish tins. Yup, living life to the limits. Seriously not the right time to be thinking this.

"Oh bitch, you do not know what you've gotten yourself into," Spat the other guy. Panic started to finally settle in when he leaped forward, grabbing a chunk of blonde hair and crashing my head into the wall. I let out a loud, painful scream as I fell to the floor. My vision was going blurry and instead of one bald asshole there were...five? Instinctively my hand went to my head. Agh! And then a blanket of numbness surrounded me.

~Cain Adams~

I was in the bad parts of town with all my friends, yeah I know it wasnt the brightest idea, but we had been playing football in the park a little way away but our ball was kicked over around here somewhere. Thanks to Max, and now we were just looking for it, but it ended up as us walking around pointlessly. What I did not expect to hear was a girl screaming. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come here, though I don't know why, but my gut made me follow that scream. Well, I guess gut feelings are important sometimes, because what I saw was shocking. Two men were leaning over a blonde headed girl. Okay, I'm not some Superman who would fly in and kick ass, that just happens in movies. But I couldn't just go and leave that girl.

Looking behind, I noticed my friends had ditched me. Yup great friends they are. But I guess they only hung out with me for the popularity. And now I sound like a conceited bastard. A plan formed in my head, but before I could put it into action I heard them say something.

"Hey man, is she breathing?" Asked the bald one, he had tattoos around his neck and they looked mouldy. Why was he asking that? Did they, oh shit.

"Shit! Why'd you hit her head against the wall? That could kill her, and we could go in for this." The other guy replied. This is serious. What if the girl's dead?

"She hit you with a fucking fish tin! And you fell over. What do you expect me to do?" He whisper yelled. Woah. That girl hit one of those guys with a..a fish tin?! She must have some awesome skills to get one of them to fall because of a fish tin.

"Whatever dude, lets get outta here," they were heading my way, but I managed to hide myself in the dark shadows. Once I was sure they were gone, I ran towards the girl, and when I saw her face, the breath was knocked out of my lungs. Not just because of the amount of blood pouring from her head, it was because of who she was. The orange girl. The one that spilt orange juice all over me just this morning. 

It was Bell.


Did I just call her orange girl?


"Hey doc? She's okay right?" I asked once the doctor came out of the room Bell was in.

"Yeah, she's okay, if you hadn't bought her here though things could've been a lot more difficult and complicated," I breathed out in relief. I may not know this chick much, and she might be a bit annoying, but I didn't want her to die. "However, because this is a case of a head injury, stress and worry might affect her badly. And last thing, we'll have to keep her in for tonight and inform her family. Do you have any contacts?" I shook my head. He nodded, then he went his way down the corridor.

I think I should be heading home now, Bell was okay and safe but.. Maybe I should check on her before I leave. As I thought that, I crept into her room to find Cassandra laying unconscious on the bed. Not wanting to disturb her, I closed the door behind me, heading for the exit door.

This had been a hell of a day.

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