Like Cinderella : In The Wardrobe

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Like Cinderella : Chapter 8

-In The Wardrobe-

~Cain Adams~

I have to get out of here. I just have to. This girl wasn't only a whore but really annoying. I was staring at her with my most bored expression as she went on and on about some Justin Bieber concert she went to. Ugh. Personally I have nothing against that guy, but when each and every girl talks about him, you develop a deep hatred for the guy who can't sing.

"-and he was like so hot, but not as hot as you," Andrea flirted blushing slightly.

Naturally, I cockily replied, "I know, I get that a lot," Which made her giggle like a small girl. Why did that just come out?! I hate this girl! I'm not here to flirt! I should probably make her hate me.

"Anyways outside I was talking about our wedding, I didn't actually finish... Basically I want there to be a....." "And One Direction has to be playing their song..." "Plus no fat, no calorie cakes okay?"

How do you get a girl to hate you? Do you think someone has asked that on Yahoo Answers? Because I might... Maybe I could google it while she is looking that way.

Abruptly she turned around and had a worried expression on her face, what? "Fuck! Err...I'm just...coming..." With that Andrea walks/runs out. Okay, what was that?

Then like a light bulb had flicked on in my head, I got an idea. Getting up, I made a quick exit out of the room. Mum wasn't going to budge for at least another half an hour, so maybe I could hide somewhere away from Andrea, I seriously couldn't take her any longer. Yes I was that desperate. You'd understand if you were in my place.

This house was like a massive labyrinth. I'd been wondering around here for the past five minutes without a clue of where I was. Out of nowhere I heard Andrea's voice from nearby.


Finding the closest room, I snuck in, the light that leaked through the windows was enough to make out the room roughly. It wasn't massively big, and not luxurious like Andrea's room. Maybe it is for a servant. Meh, beats me. I just want to be away from that monster for as long as possible. I mean we barely know each other and she's onto babies! And weddings! 

"Bethany, I'll just be a second, I need to change my shirt," I heard someone shout from outside the door, shit! Rapidly, I looked around for an escape. There was none. Glancing at the wardrobe in the room, I sighed deeply and sneaked into it.

Wait, didn't she say she needed to change? If she came in here there was a chance she'd open this side of the wardrobe. Oh damn, ready to get busted for creeping into a girls room dude.

"Stupid Andy," Muttered the girl as she walked in. Fortunately she opened the other two door side of the cupboard, but for some reason the girl sounded familiar. When the curiosity was too overwhelming, slowly I creaked the wardrobe door open, just a bit.

The girl had her back to me, but being the person I was, I didn't look away when she started taking her blue hoodie off, though it wasn't like she had nothing on underneath it. She was wearing a plain tank top. There was something weird on her shoulder. Squinting, I leaned forward to see what it was. It looked like a drawing of something...on her shoulder... Okay, it was a tattoo. Wait a second it was a tattoo of two goldfish! She was- she was the-

Before I knew what had happened, I was tumbling out of the wardrobe and onto the cold hard floor. I'd found Princess! However what happened next, shocked me more than anything.

The girl had turned around to face me now, and that's when I felt like I couldn't breathe. The air had been knocked out my lungs, when the girl with blonde hair turned to face me.

Princess was Bell. Bell was Cassie. Cassie was Princess!

~Cassandra Bell~

Just a while ago, I was in the kitchen, helping Bethany-the maid- with cleaning up the dishes from dinner when out of the blue Andrea storms in, asking where her pads were. I was laughing my head off at her embarrassment. She told me to "fuck off," and that her future husband was waiting for her in her room. Poor guy. When I didn't stop laughing she grabbed a glass of orange juice and threw it at me ruining my hoodie. Bitch.

Now I was in my room, -because one of the toilets was being repaired and the other was occupied by her highness- changing out of my hoodie, when I see Cain Adams falling out of my wardrobe. Cain. Cain Adams. In my room. In my cupboard. The fuck!?

"Yo-you're Princess?!" Huh? Who's Princess? Do I look like royalty? I mean come on I was wearing a hoodie! Plus now I'm in my pink tank top....

"Eerrrr.... I have no idea what you're on, but why are you in my room. Hiding in my cupboard. You know this is really creepy," I say gulping loudly.

"You're the girl from the masquerade. You're goldfish girl!"

Wait, how does he know? Unless... "You're Mystery Guy!" As realisation hit me, I couldn't take it and I run out of the room.

Run out the servant's quarters.

Run out of the house. 

I run and run until my legs are numb.

Like Cinderella - Watty Awards 2013Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang