"No. No, children, he's not," David said as the four walked down the street.

"But why didn't you tell me you talked to him?" Henry asked his grandfather.

"Because I didn't want to disappoint you. I know you want to find your mom, but Jefferson can't help us. I need to find a way to restore the hat," David said.

"So, why can't I help you look?" Henry asked him.

"It'll require magic, Henry and magic..." David began.

"Always comes with a price. I've read the book, you know," Henry said to him.

"I'm sorry, but I just can't let you anywhere near this stuff. If you really want to help me, you'll go to school with Naomi where I know you'll be safe, okay?" David said.

"Okay," Henry said.

"Bye Mama... Bye David," Naomi waved bye as the two walked towards the bus stop.

"Need a hand with the magic?" Calista asked David.

"Why are you offering help?" David asked as they turned and walked the opposite direction.

"When Mary Margaret had the welcome home party when Kathryn returned, I told her I'd always have her back... If helping you, helps her and Emma who I'm friends with... I'll swallow my pirate pride and help a prince," Calista said.

"I don't want you getting in trouble with your husband... I'll tell you what... I'll start this one my own and if I need his help, I'll come to you first... Sweeten him with sugar," David said.

"Here," Calista took out a small notepad and pad and wrote down her number, she tears the page out and handed it to him, "If you need me, you know I'm good with a sword more than magic, call me," She said.

"Will do, thanks," David took it and Calista walked ahead, "Hey Calista," She turned to him, "You know... You might be the only pirate I can tolerate," He said.

"Careful, Charming if I didn't know any better I'd say you gave me a compliment," Calista said and walked off.

Henry and Naomi approached the school bus, they looked back to see David and Calista had gone their separate ways. 

Naomi looked at Henry anxiously, "Henry..." She said.

Henry looked at her, "I need to my Gramps... Prove to me you're still my friend," He said with hope in his voice and held out his hand.

Naomi looked at her mother then Henry and took his hand, "Let's go," She said and they head away from the school bus together.

"Here," Henry turned down into a street and took out the storybook and opened to Jefferson's story, he showed Naomi the story, "Do you recognise him now?" He asked.

Naomi took the book and looked at Jefferson's picture, then she remembered him.


Naomi, 5 years old, was giggling as she played with her dolly in a hallway of the Dark Castle.

The doors opened and a man walked in with a hatbox, Naomi looked at him nervously, he looked at her, "You must be the same age as my Grace," The man walked over and crouched in front of her, "Names Jefferson, sweet girl, what's yours?" He asked.

"N-Naomi," Naomi said.

"Are your parents here to see the Dark One?" He asked her.

The Betrayal of the Sister [OUAT || RUMPELSTILTSKIN || Crocodile's Love #2]Where stories live. Discover now