Start from the beginning

"Definitely not her." I said with a grimace as her voice cracked in the middle of her terrible singing and I heard Matt sigh in relief.

"Next!" he yelled and I laughed. This was gonna be a looong day.

- Jasmine's POV -

-Day After the Ball (after school) -

"HE DID WHAT!" I yelled as Dill told us the events of last night. We were currently at my house eating pizza. I was trying to stall them about me singing to them for as long as I could without them noticing. I wanted to vomit the pizza I was currently eating, because I knew i was avoiding the inevitable.

"He kissed me!" Dill said. I knew it! Matt and her belong long together and I knew this had to eventually happen. It was only a matter of time before he asked her out.

"Who did you kiss?" Christy asked Marissa and Marissa shrugged.

"Just Peter" she said and smiled lovingly and we rolled our eyes

"What about you?" Marissa asked back Christy 

"Sean" she said and started laughing

"What?" I asked her 

"He kissed my eyeball at first cause he couldn't see" she said and started laughing even more, we soon joined her fits of laughter.

"Rachel who did you kiss?" I asked her 

"I have no idea, but whoever it was had gum in their mouth." she said and made a disgusted face which we all laughed at.

"What about you Jaz?" she asked me and I grinned just remembering the kiss

"I can tell from the look on your face that it was good" Marissa said chuckling 

"It was. But I have no idea who it was." I said saddened by the fact.

"Was it better then Ash's kisses?" Rachel asked curiously

I blushed. Of course it was! "N-n-o-ooo" I stuttered but they clearly saw through my lie.

"LIAR!" Dill yelled and Christy laughed

"So it WAS better then Ash's" Christy said with a smirk and I meekly nodded

"I really think you should break up with him" Dill said and we all looked at her in surprise. She just shrugged her shoulders and said 

"I never liked him anyway"

"Yeah, why be with someone if it doesn't feel right" Rachel said and I looked down

"Tell me do feel sparks with your with Ash?" Marissa asked me with raised eyebrows 

"No" I said softly. I didn't even need to think about it.

"And did you feel sparks with the person you kissed?" Christy continued

"Yes" I replied softly

"You should break up with Ash and if fate allows it you and this mysterious stranger will meet  again one day" Dill suggested and I thought about it. Ash was a good person, he deserved someone who would be able to love him with all of their heart and I could'nt do that.

"You guys are right" I said firmly causing them to look at me in surprise

"I'll break up with him, its not fair to him if I date him." I said with a small smile

"Ok, now. Lets forget about this "talk" I want to hear you all sing!" Dill exclaimed and I immediately felt my heart drop into my chest.

"Uhhh, I cant really-" I started 

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