Chapter 7: Marooning Angelica

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With Barbossa and the crew gone with their ships, they so very kindly left us a longboat to continue our journey out of the cave that had led us to the, now destroyed, Fountain of Youth.

We had tied Angelica's hands together behind her back, and Jack was rowing out under the blazing sun to a nearby island. We had been going all night, and I think I was the only one who got any sleep. We were on our way to the beach of Sola Fide.

"What are we doing to do with her?" I asked Jack.

"We should kill her," he snapped.

"What?" Angelica asked.

"We weren't talking to you. Occupe-toi de tes oignons," I stated.

Jack's face scrunched in thought. "Did you just say something about onions?"

"I told her to take care of her own onions," I said while giving her the side-eye.

Jack sighed and said, "that's some French nonsense I can honestly say I missed."

"I don't have any onions," Angelica stated.

"I know that. Oh là là," I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair, tangled by the wind and salt water. "I said to mind your own business."

"We can throw her to the sharks," Jack suggested.

"We cannot solve all our murder problems," I said.

"Murder problems?" He asked.

"Problems with murder," I corrected.

"I hate you," Angelica sneered at Jack.

"The bloke who saved your life?" He asked, offended.

"The years I possess, stolen from my own father!"

"I only helped Blackbeard do what any father should have done," he said.

"You are cruel and ignorant," Angelica said to him. Then she turned to me, "I thought we were getting along. We bonded over our hatred for Jack."

"You what?" Jack asked, eyeing both of us.

I chuckled, "we may have gotten along if you weren't such a... what's the word?"

"Bitch," Jack finished for me.

"Oui, that."

Jack got the longboat to the shore, and I rolled out into the sand as he pulled it up out of the water. He grabbed Angelica by her arm, and yanked her out of the boat hostilely. I followed after him as he dragged her further up the beach, before flinging her into the sand and she yelled.

"One pistol, one shot," he said, tossing a pistol at her. It hit her head and she gasped.

"To kill myself before I starve?" She asked, her hands still bound behind her.

"There's no trusting you, love," Jack said, "besides, this is a well-traveled trade route. You can signal a passing ship. Or you can just bite the proverbial bullet, as it were."

I said my pleasant goodbyes to Angelica and walked off toward the boat. I did not have a particular emotion toward her besides a slight grudge. I'm sure she felt the same way about me.

"And how will I get free of these bonds?" I heard her ask.

Jack sauntered away as he said back, "you broke free of your bonds half an hour ago, waiting for the precise moment to pounce." He turned around just in time to grab a branch that Angelica was about to hit him over the head with.

I kept walking, sitting on the edge of the longboat to watch them. I accidentally leaned too far back and I fell on my back at the bottom boards of the boat. I lifted my feet over my head and did a backward somersault onto my feet and stood up casually and stretched my arms out, letting my elbows crack. Jack's back was turned to me as he and Angelica talked to each other loudly, and I was ready to leave.

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