Chapter XII

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It took them a matter of a few minutes to break their way into the building where they had left the child, as it wasn't a very highly guarded place with a total of fifteen to twenty troopers...though some of them were no longer living at this moment.
The sound of two blaster shots rings out into the room as the two Mandalorians take down two stormtroopers, the reverberation of the shots shriveling away as it reaches the rather large hole that was now part of the wall in front of them.

She steps away from the man beside her as she turns around, walking over to the door that was behind the now-dead Stormtroopers. With the push of a red button on the control panel, the door slides open and quickly brings her face to face with another white armored man.

The trooper quickly raises his blaster as he spots her in front of him, prompting her to grab onto the barrel of the blaster and force his aim away from her, shots hitting the ceiling instead of her and giving her a chance to kick him away from her. She tosses his blaster onto the floor as he falls back into the room he had exited, and then the Mandalorian behind her sends a final shot down to him, keeping him down permanently.

She says nothing as she steps through the doorway after the other Mandalorian does, both of them stepping over the Stormtrooper that lays on the ground before both of them begin to walk down a short hall. Its dim lights illuminated the room that was being used as some kind of storage room. There were crates piled up against the walls filled with who knows what, giving them a fairly narrow path to walk through, but it wasn't a problem as they only had to take a few strides until they come up to another door.

He shoots the control panel of the metal door, making it release its pressure hold and slide open instantly. But, right as it does, he is met with a blaster shot to his shoulder as another Stormtrooper stands in front of him. It only took him a few short seconds to take care of him before they both march into the room, and quickly look around.

The room was fairly dark with a crimson red hue to it, filled with medical equipment, devices, and random crates like there were in the hall. The doctor that she had met with the exchange of the child was standing in front of them, leaning back against the medical table, staring at both of them in fear and worry while an interrogation droid was now turned to them with a needle in its grasp.

"No, no, no, no, please!" The doctor shouts as she lifts her blaster to him, watching as he holds his hand out in protest, begging her not to shoot him.

He quickly ducks out of the way as the male Mandalorian shoots the droid floating beside him, but the doctor quickly turns his gaze back to the two as he collects himself and begins to speak again.

"Please don't hurt him," the doctor shakes his head. "It's just a child," he shouts as she walks towards him, easily shoving him out of her way in order to see where the child was.

"No, no, please!" He shouts as he falls to the floor and the other Mandalorian holds his blaster down to him. "No, no, no!" He shouts, covering his face with his hands in fear as he sits on the ground.

She looks down at the medical table in front of her, seeing that the small, big-eared, olive green-skinned child was asleep, and covered by some kind of metal contraption. The red lights on the screen showed that whatever he was laying in, seemed to be monitoring his vital sizes, along with other things that she did not understand.

"What did you do to him?" She asks threateningly as she looks down at the doctor, turning her blaster back to him as she speaks. He doesn't respond to her, only able to shake his head and whimper in fear. "What. Did. You. Do?" She shouts, emphasizing her words as she glares down at him through her visor.

"I-I protected him. I protected him," he finally stutters out, huddling himself against the wall. "If it wasn't for me, he would already be dead!" He yells as he closes his eyes and looks down to the floor, repeating pleads as he does so.

She turns away from the distraught and weeping man in front of her, directing her attention back to the child, who was now being lifted out of his cage by the Mandalorian behind her. She takes a step forward as he gently hands her the sleeping child wrapped in brown cloth, tucking him into one of her arms while the other holds her blaster...and by the time the whimpering doctor looked up again, they were gone.


The battle to get through the halls of the building was one filled with bloodshed...and the one roasting. She had hoped it would end there and they would be able to flee into the outside world with the chance of escaping without any more violence, but her hopes were useless as they found themselves in yet another tricky situation.

"I do hope you hate Stormtroopers, more than you do droids," she mumbles over to the Mandalorian beside her, looking around herself as she speaks.

They stood in the open room where they had once made the mistake of giving this child to an evil man for a bountiful reward, four Stormtroopers surrounding them with their blasters up and loaded, wanting every chance to shoot them both down.

"Hands up," one of the trooper's orders as neither of them moves. "Drop the blasters!" He shouts.

"Wait," the man beside her says calmly, lifting his hands up as he speaks. "What she's holding is very valuable," he informs them as he lowers his blaster to the ground, gently grabbing her forearm to guide her to the floor with him.

She wasn't sure what he was planning, or if he even had a plan at all, but she had no other option but to trust him at this moment. So, she kneels down onto the floor and sets the still sleeping child onto its cool stone surface, trying to show them that they surrendered...although she hoped they weren't. Glancing over to the man beside her, she silently asks what he was doing, but her gaze goes unnoticed as he keeps his head forward and focused on what he was about to do.

"Stand up!" One of the troopers shouts down to them, but neither of them obeys.

The Mandalorian turns his wrist down and activates the whistling birds he had just received a few hours ago, relying on the small weapons to get them both out of this.
All is silent for a few moments until the whistling fills the room, making her turn her head down and away from the tiny needles of beskar flying in four different directions.
The troopers let out yelps of pain as they are hit with the needles, making them fall to the floor unmoving...all of them down within seconds.

"Come on," he says as he stands to his feet, while she looks around with a sense of impression as she lifts the child back into her arms. "Esso, we have to leave," he raises his volume as he helps her up from the ground and begins to guard her out of the room, all while she looks over to him in confusion.

She didn't question him as they made their way out of the building, walking through one door and then another that leads them into the dark skyed outside of Nevarro. The of them both glance around themselves before placing their blasters back into their holsters, and then quickly begin to move away from the place they had spent far too much time in.

"What did you call me?" She asks in bafflement, tightening her hold on the child as they walk through a dark and shadowed alleyway.

"You call me Taciturn," he recalls as he glances over to her. "Esso was not the worst I come up with," he states, making her scoff and shake her head in something of offense.

"And what were the others?" She questions as they both turn a corner and exit the alleyway, finding themselves now out in the open. "Nevermind. I'd rather not hear them," she quickly changes her mind before he can speak.

She doesn't say another word as she glances around herself. The streets of the town were empty with the night having completely set while they were in the process of getting the child out, but there was something sinister in the air and she couldn't shake it off. Her muscles were tense as they continued walking, keeping her guard up as they go, and hoping that she was only paranoid over the settling adrenaline.

The faint sound of several tracking fobs catches her attention and makes her glance over to the man beside her, and he does the same to her. They both knew something was up.

As they find themselves inching closer to the shipyard, the fobs grow in volume with twenty or more of them beginning to beep in rhythm with each other, making her breath hitch in her throat, knowing that they could only be pointing towards one thing...the child.

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