Chapter 4

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The sunshine shone upon Wilson's drowsy face and he slowly awoken. He was covered in sweat and felt sharp pains coming from the back of his head. What was that all about? The dream last night didn't feel like a dream to him, for him it felt like he was there, standing in that very hallway and witnessing a man go insane. He came to the conclusion that it was some random nightmare that was caused by the black out he had earlier that day. He looked around and realised he slept on his bedroom floor. Wilson ignored it and stretched out his limbs, yawing and fixing his scruffy hair. "ouch" he grunted as he put his hand over his stiff neck. Wilson stood up and quickly packed the items that he left hanging around his room. He zipped his bag and luggage and placed it near the briefcase which he still hasn't opened yet. He made his way to the side of his bed and sat there, staring at his door. He rubbed his sore eyes and took in deep breaths. It was quiet and the sound of birds chirping could be heard from the inside, it gave Wilson a peace of mind and made him forget almost everything that he saw in the dream. The alarm clock caught his attention and he couldn't explain why, he looked at the alarm clock and squinted his eyes, thinking to himself, what is he missing? His eyes widened, he grabbed the alarm clock and looked directly at it, finally realising the time.

"ITS 6:30?!? IM LATE!" He panicked and threw the alarm clock on his bed, making a run to the bathroom and removing all his clothes. He took a quick a shower but forgot to bring a towel, so he ran out the bathroom naked to retrieve it. He went back to the bathroom, drying himself and his damp brown hair, he didn't even bother to comb or gel it, he just let his hair do whatever it wanted as if it had a mind of its own. He then again made a run back to his room to pick out a casual outfit. He quickly began to put on white sneakers, jeans and a polo shirt with a brown sweater layered on top. While getting ready he realised the ring was on the floor, he picked it up and slipped it on which again made the click noise and adjusted itself onto his finger. Finally he was ready, he grabbed the briefcase, his luggage and wore his backpack with one strap hanging on his shoulder. He unlocked his bedroom door and ran down his stairs. He got hold of the front door knob and twisted it but footsteps coming from behind spooked Wilson, making him turn around.

"Guess this is the day, isn't it? the day you finally venture the real world." It was uncle Jim. He was leaning on the arch entrance to the kitchen wearing his pyjamas and holding a cup of coffee and a sandwich with his other. "Can't believe you're finally going on your own Will, I never really picture you living on your own, neither can I picture myself" he said taking a sip of his hot beverage. Wilson didn't know how to reply so he stood where he was.

"I'm gonna miss you uncle Jim." Wilson said. He then placed his bags on the floor and ran towards his uncle, embracing him.

"I'll miss you too kiddo." Uncle Jim said hugging back with one arm. Wilson gave him a tight grip and finally let's go. "Stay Safe! Now go on before I miss you anymore." The uncle said nudging Wilson over to the door. Wilson cackled and waved goodbye. He picked up his bags and glanced one last time at his uncle who waved him goodbye. Wilson smiled and twisted the door knob. He was then greeted by the scorching sun rays and the fresh morning air.

"Here goes nothing"

He walked over to his red bike which was leaning against a tree and he removed the twigs and leaves that were all over it. The bike wasn't much: it was rusting and had minor problems with the brakes, but it was everything Wilson needed.

The bike was a gift from his aunt Ruby who passed away 5 years ago. Wilson always thought of his aunt as a mysterious woman with many secrets up her sleeves. When young Wilson had occasional nightmares during his sleep, he would wake up in the early morning and look for his aunt, but she's never found and the only time he saw her was during the afternoon. Aunt Ruby always had a powerful and bold character that Wilson looked up to, compared to his uncle who was always the timid and shy one. But Wilson realises that uncle Jim shows a different character when aunt Ruby was around. Sadly, when the day came when aunt Ruby lost her battle against breast cancer, uncle Jim was never the same, he lost his job as an office clerk and went through therapy. Luckily, after a few months he eventually found a job as a clerk at the local supermarket.

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