The True Path of Heroism; Izuku and Tevin's journey!!

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As we all know, Not all men are created equally. That's what two boys learned the hard way. In a world where 80% of people are born with a super power or quirk, they have the chance of becoming heroes and enter the most prestigious school ever U. A while the 20% of individuals who are not born with a quirk or super powers tends to be nothing more than dead weight Or quirkless never to be seen by the public. As a boy with green and black hair name Izuku Midoriya was rushing to school since he was already late as ever. He still recall his past at the tender age of 4 years old.

Izuku's past
Young Midoriya:*Crying*That's mean,
Kacchan. Can't you see he's crying? If you keep going, I-I-I'll never forgive you!    Why are you being so mean? You're making him cry Kacchan. If you keep on hurting him, I- I'll a. . . I'll stop you myself!

Young Bakugo:Even though you're're pretending to be a hero, Deku?    Hmph. You wanna pretend to be a hero. You don't stand a chance without a quirk, Deku.

*Young Midoriya recoils back as Young Bakugo's goons and Young Bakugo lunge at Young Midoriya
Young Bakugo reaches fist out to Young Midoriya, cuts to sun shining and Young Midoriya is seen laying on the ground on his back*

The present.
Older Midoriya[narrating]:Here's the sad truth. All men are not created equal. When I was four years old, I learned that some kids have more power than others. [footsteps tapping] But that won't hold me back. If anything, it pushes me to do better.
Midoriya runs to a scene with a Giant Villain
Midoriya:  *gasps* That's one huge super villain!

Older Izuku: [ narrating] The first incident was in Qing Qing City. An extraordinary child was born who radiated light. After that, reports to people with superpower popped up all across the globe. No one knew what was causing this quirks. Before long, the supernatural became the totally normal. Dreams a reality. The world became a superhuman society with about 80% of the population possessing some uncanny ability. Our streets looks like scenes from comic books. A city swirled with chaos and confusion, a new profession dominated our collective consciousness. It was a age of heroes.

Citizen 1: Oh nice! Way to go Death Arms.

Citizen 2: The punching hero. I wish I had a quirk the made me super strong.

Pro Hero Backdraft: Everyone, please stay back. This area is far too dangerous.

Citizen 3: This guy must be desperate to go full-monster in the middle of the city. Do you know what happened?

Citizen 4: Some amateur. Stole someones' bag and then got himself cornered.

Citizen 5: With a quirk like that and he's just a petty thief.

Citizen 6: [over the phone] I got held up. Trains out. Another villain. I'm not sure when I'm gonna make it into the office.

Entrance of the hero Kamui Woods

Fangirls: AAAHH! Mister Kamui, we're your biggest fan.

Giant Villain: Get away from me! RAAHH! Or I'll break your twig back.

Kamui Woods: AH! This is gonna be good.

A fight between Kamui Woods and the Giant Villain.

Izuku: It's Kamui Woods. He may be new but he's making a big name for himself.

Citizen 6: Why look at that dopey grin and I know what you are. A fanboy.

Izuku: UH, sorta...heeeh.

*A fight between Kamui Woods and Giant villain continues *

Kamui Woods: Assault, robbery and illegal use of powers during rush hour traffic. You are the incarnation of evil.

Izuku: There. His special move

The Ansatsuken Heroes Deku and Tevin (Boku no Hero Academia)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz