chapter 1

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Today was March 5th and what a cold day that was. On March 3rd, Bianca and I had celebrated her birthday by going out to dinner then having a sleepover at her place.

Whew memories.

Since her parents live in Italy and were unable to come for her birthday due to the business they run, they decided to gift her a trip to Hawaii.

That includes me of course. Her parents love me.

Due to my Type-A tendencies, Bianca's Parents begged me to help plan the trip since they know how organized I am. This has been shown through the numerous birthdays I have planned for Bianca in the past.

Right now, I am currently on my way to Bianca's place, all packed and ready. Earlier this week, Bianca had asked me to come to her apartment a few hours before her flight to help her pack and get ready.

Knowing her she is probably sprawled on her floor crying because she gave herself too many options *sigh*

"Hey Duke!" I say greeting her buildings doorman.

"Hi Camilla, how you been?" He replies.

"Good, good. How are you and Bella?"

Bella is his daughter.

"Awesome! She is on spring break right now."

"That's great, tell her I miss her!" I say as the elevator doors close.

The ride up the metal shaft was a long one but I occupied myself by scrolling through my social medias and replying to a few comments on my latest Youtube video.

Oh I think I forgot to mention, I'm an iNfluEnCeR. I've been doing YouTube for a few years now and I have amassed a few followers. 2.4 million to be precise. I have worked very hard and I am super grateful for all the opportunities I now have because of my large following.

Anywho back to Bianca's apartment. By this time, I had finally found my way to Bianca's door.

I  pull out my phone again to FaceTime her and let her know that I am here.

As the call rings, I decide to ring the doorbell for funsies.

"Hi" a deep voice greets me.

I look up to find a familiar face. Lucas, Bianca's hot italian brother.

Oh lemme just end this call real quick.

Does she know you think about her brother like this? My conscious asks

Of course not. I can never get with the brother. It goes against girl code.

"Your not Bianca." I deadpan.

"No, I am not." He chuckles out.

"Weird." I reply as I push past him to enter Bianca's apartment. By the surprised look on his face, I can tell that he did not expect me to do that.

Gotta keep 'em guessing LOL.

I make my way to Bianca's door but before I go in I look back and ask.

"Where is she?"

"She went out to get some last minute items that she missed." He replies.

"Without me, that bitch..." I mumble.

He hears me and laughs quietly to himself.

"So," I say as I lock my suitcase in place, set my hand bag down, and plop myself on her couch. "What's up?"

"Nothing much, Camilla. It's been a while." He replies.

"It has. We should have made it longer ❤️" I counter with a smile. "Anyways, what are YOU doing here. I thought this trip was just B and I."

( You will see me refer to Bianca as B sometimes)

"It was, but then our parents decided that sending two girls on a trip by themselves was probably not the safest thing so they sent me to supervise."

"We're not 5. Why do we need a chaperone?" I question with a frown setting on my face.

"Hey, take that up with my parents. I don't talk back to mi madre, I just take orders and go." he replies with a shrug.

'Ugh, fine." I say as I open Bianca's fridge and pull out a Red Bull.

"You don't plan on sleeping?" He asks by gesturing to my choice of drink.

"Nope." I reply with a pop of my p. "Those seats are way too uncomfortable for my poor back and our flight is during the day. So by the time we get there it will be time to sleep. But if I were to sleep on the flight, then I won't be tired when we get to Hawaii and I will be wide awake for most of the night. So I am probably going to edit or watch a movie on the plane." I ramble.

"Edit?" He says with curiosity all over my face.

"Oh! You don't know. I have a YouTube channel so I have to edit my videos to go up while I am gone. The grind never stops." I answer with a smile.

"That's cool. How long have you been doing YouTube for?" He sounds genuinely interested.


That's a great question..... I wasn't expecting- that question....

LOL just kidding, instead I say "I've been doing YouTube for.... almost 10 years now. Wow."

"You don't look a day over 20. How have you been doing it for 10 years?" He questions.

"Oh well, I've been doing YouTube since 10th grade so I'm 27 right now."

"You graduated early?"

"Yup, I skipped half of kindergarten and two years of undergrad."

"Interesting." He notes.

"HI GUYS!" Bianca interrupts.

When did this heifer get here?

"You bitch, how dare you leave me? I am heartbroken m'lady." I say as I dramatically fall to her feet.

"It pains me sadly to say this, I don't love you anymore." She replies catching on to my antics.

"What-" I say with tears threatening to spill from my eyes "How could you-" I say

We both burst out in laughter. I wipe the tears away from my eyes.

Lucas watches us with amusement gracing his oh so perfect features.

"Anyways hoe, what did you get."

"I went to Target and got disposable cameras and some film for our polaroid." She states with a smile.

I hug her. I've taught her so well.

"Great, so your all packed with no mental breakdown?" I start.

"Yup! I might have cried last night but I'm fine right now."

"You should've called me babe! I would have been here in a flash."

"Whatever, it's fine now. I see you talked with Lucas?"

"Yea we were talking about my channel. He didn't know about it so... yeah."

Lucas has been watching out interaction with a look on his face that I can't quite understand.

"Anyways if your ready let's go!"

"Yes bitch, Hawaii ain't ready for us!" Bianca adds.

And with that we're off.


How do you guys feel about Lucas's character so far?

How about Camilla?

I appreciate and take into account any and all feedback.

New chapter soon.

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