The Awakening

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Your eyes open against the harsh sun. Blinking rapidly, you take a minute to get used to the feelings of a body again. With a couple of stretches your joints pop and crack as they shift into a useable place. 

You bask in the sun for a little while longer before heading towards the large ruined temple behind you. The walls have started to crack again and the roof has caved in, plants have started to reclaim parts of it.

With a wave of your hand the cracks in the walls disappear, the roof fixes itself and the plants quickly wither and die. You walk into the now pristine temple. Your footsteps echo against the white marble walls as you to the shining bronze inlay that adorns the pedestal. The statue upon it draws in your gaze. The vibrant paint detailing every part of the figure, from the sword on their hip to the hawk on their shoulder. 

You knew the statue well, because it was you, or at least a representation of you.

Before the nostalgic memories could get to you, you tear your eyes from the statue and focus them on the plaque underneath it.

Y/n: "Όταν ξυπνάς για σαράντα δεύτερη φορά, πρέπει να παρακολουθήσεις τη γη που τώρα είναι γνωστή ως Ιαπωνία."

You lick your finger and wipe a little smudge of the plaque before stand up straight. With a confident smirk on your face you raise your hand and snap your fingers.

In an instant the entirety of your surroundings change. While you were expecting open air again as you had aimed for a mountain you were fairly sure was there, you were greeted with the walls of an apartment.

Y/n: Φαίνεται ότι το έχασα.

As you step forward in search of an exit, a terrible tearing and breaking noise comes from your feet. Looking down in confusion reveals that one of your feet is stuck underneath the floor, while the other is free, having been torn from the wood and concrete.

You can feel someone approach, but you still a little preoccupied. Tearing your other foot free, you feel something hit the back of your head. A piece of wood flies from behind your head, only to fall uselessly to the ground.

Curious, your turn around and see a shorter girl. Grassy green hair that stops short of her waist, dark green eyes and an ample figure. She was very nice to look at but the thing that intrigued you most was the look of absolute terror in her eyes. Your head just cocks from side to side curiously while taking in the features of the girl in front of you.

After several long moments she seemed to have gathered enough courage to muster out a few words.

???: What are you doing here?

Having finally spoken to you, you replied in perfect Japanese.

Y/n: I teleported myself to a mountain that was supposed to be here. Though it seems it no longer exists. 

You gesture broadly at the walls around you, clearly not the open air you were expecting.

Y/n: So if you'd be so kind as to show me the door, I'll be on my way.

A warm smile spread across your face, putting her somewhat at ease. She was about to turn around before it looked like she realized something.

???: Uhm... What about the floor?

Y/n: Right!

You look over your shoulder and wave a couple fingers. The floor quickly reassembles itself, leaving no trace that it was ever damaged in the first place.

The Old God (God!reader x BNHA harem)Where stories live. Discover now