"Thank you, Sage. You don't know how much this means."

"You are welcome. I have to go round on my patients so I'll see you later."

I left the room, going to find Ross on the peds floor. I heard yelling from one of the rooms. Quickly running down the hall, I entered the room to see Ross pinned against the wall by his neck.

"Dr. Bailey, help me." Ross choked out.

"Should I call security?" The nurse asked.

"No. William, let him go." I told him.

"He's talking about my little girl could die! What kind of doctor is he!?"

"William, just let him go and I will talk to you about Rose." I demanded.

William contemplated before letting Ross go. Ross quickly ran behind me, catching his breath. I grabbed the tablet off the table, keeping myself between Ross and William.

"Is everybody good?" I asked. William stared down Ross before nodding.

"So my little girl has sickle-cell?"

"That's what the scans tell us. Sometimes patients are asymptomatic and don't show symptoms until it's too late."

"Is that it? Is it too late for Rose? Is that what he meant about her dying?"

"No. It is not too late. What Dr. Ross meant was that the serious cases can be fatal. We caught this early enough that we can get her into therapy.

"Oh, thank God."

"Her latest scans look okay but I am a little weary. She needs to be monitored and given antibiotics."

"How long before I can take her home?" He inquired.

"I can't say for sure. Now, if it's okay with you, Dr. Ross can run you through the different types of therapies for Rose."

"I'd would like someone else if that's okay."

"Yes, that is totally fine. I will have another doctor speak with you soon."

"Thank you, Sage. I really appreciate it." I gave him a smile before grabbing Ross's arm and pulling him into the hall.

"Dr. Bailey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" he started but I cut him off.

"Your first parent of the day and you've managed to pissed him off. I don't want to kick you off my service just yet so don't screw it up with anyone else today."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Don't call me ma'am, I'm not old. Sage is my name, please call me Sage."

"Don't you think that's a little unprofessional, Doctor?"

"What you just did was unprofessional, the sexual relationships going on in this hospital are unprofessional.. I think I get a pass. Who's our next patient?" I snarled.

"Phoebe Thompson."


I checked my phone after leaving a patient's room. I hadn't heard from Jackson which was weird. Normally, he texts me a lot during a shift but not a single message from him today.

He's been acting weird for the past couple weeks. He's gone before I wake up, we barely talk or see each other, when I ask him about it, he blows me off and says it's fine. If we see each other at the hospital, he goes the other way or tries to avoid me.

Something was off..

I walked across the cafeteria, sitting with Mer and Alex. Alex groaned, covering his ears while Meredith rolled her eyes at him.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, lightly chuckling.

"Mer won't stop talking about the many ways her baby could be a freak. I can't take it anymore." Alex complained.

"So now it's my fault that my kid is gonna have a tail and 6 arms?"

"Mer, we all know Fetus is going to have two arms and a tail with perfect hair." I stated.

Meredith laughed while alex shook his head and stole a fry off my plate. I looked across the room at Jackson who sat at a table alone.

April quickly rounded his table, sitting across from him. They whispered back and forth with frustrated looks on their faces.

"Isn't that right, Sage?" I softly heard Alex's voice.

"I'm sorry. What?"

"Tell Mer that her baby is going to be cute and healthy."

"Oh yeah, Fetus is going to be a cute and healthy baby with a tail." Alex shook his head and Meredith laughed.

"Have you guys noticed Jackson is acting weird? Whenever he and April are in the same room, there's, like, this weird vibe." I inquired.

"Jackson has always been a little weird. Maybe you're just overthinking with the whole vibe thing." Meredith responded.

I looked back to Jackson and April, watching them discreetly yell at each other before April stormed off.

"What's going on with those two?" I loudly thought.

"Hell if I know. I got more important things to worry about than Kepner's love life or whatever is going on with her." Alex spoke. He and Mer quickly exchanged a look.

"What was that?" I glared at them.

"What are you talking about?" Mer played dumb.

"That look that you just gave each other."

"There was no look." Alex said.

"Yeah. You gotta stop the drugs, Sage." Mer added.

I nodded my head, sighing while they changed the conversation. I'm not stupid, something is definitely going on.

Remember Your Worth | Jackson Avery Where stories live. Discover now