"That's by the way." She grinned. "You're here—it's what is important. I'm so happy you're here. It's such a pleasant surprise."

I smiled. It was exactly like old times. Farida seemed genuinely happy by my visit. It gave me hope that we could actually revive what we once had.

"Come on in." She ushered me into her room.

I sat in her bed.

"I will just us some snacks." She said and excused herself before I could even respond.

As soon as she left, my eyes drifted to the handouts scattered on her bed. "Wow!" The remark flew out of my mouth of it's own accord. Just as I had always known her, Farida hadn't stopped being extremely serious when it comes to her studies, unlike me. To be honest, I hadn't really studied since I returned. I preferred reading other stuff—literary stuff to be precise.


Farida walked back into the room with a plate of samosas and placed it on the bed, in front of me.

"Wow, samosas! Did you make these?"

"Noooo," she chuckled. "The maid did. It's specially made for Jawaad, because he—" she abruptly cut herself off and waited for my reaction. When she got none, she continued; "He will be coming over after he's done with work, so..."

"Oh!" I let out a plain remark. I inferred it would be classy on my side if I didn't indulge in the conversation. I wouldn't want to give her the impression that I still had a soft spot for her brother.

I took a bite of the snack and hummed in delight. "This is goooood."

"Really?" Asked Farida.

"Yeah." I responded. "Have a taste for yourself."

"Not bad." She remarked after she had taken a bite. "Hindu is a good cook."

"Why didn't you make these yourself." I sneered.

She laughed. "Why would I make it myself, when there are people employed for that?"

In as much as I didn't like the fact that Ummi refused to hire a maid for us...after Nafisa, a part of me was glad about that, because I understood why she had to do what she did. Because of what that decision of hers, I had learnt not to depend on other people  and to do things for myself. "True."

"Lately, mum has been asking of you." Out of the blue, she stated.

For some inexplicable reason, nervousness surged over me. "Me?"

She laughed. "Why are you so tense?"

"I was just wondering why she's been asking of me." I voiced. I just hoped it wasn't about the misunderstanding we had.

"She likes you." She smiled. "A lot."


"We were just talking about you this morning. She wanted me to even call you so she could speak to you on phone."

"Really?" I tittered. "I like her too. Hmm...why does she like me though?"

"I don't know." Farida shrugged. "Perhaps because she knows you're a nice person."

I smiled at the compliment. "Is she around? I should go and greet her."

"Yeah, she's in her room."

"Please accompany me."


As we walked to her mother's room, I let out a deep breath, restoring my confidence.

"Assalamualaikum." Farida knocked on her mother's door. "Mum? Are you in there?"

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