He looked at me and smiled and I returned it too. Actually I would have been extremely happy if I was the only one he did this with who knows maybe he has done this with Lucy before. I felt a pang of pain in my chest. It hurts to know this even though there is no evidence but I really do believe Kayden is cheating on me.

"Kira? Are you there? What's wrong? I've been calling you for hours"

"Uh yes Kayden? I was just thinking"

"What about?"

"I was thinking if you have done this or gotten close like this to any other girl apart from me"

"No I haven't don't put that into your head"

"Kayden promise me and don't lie to me"

"Yes Kira, I promise"

"Okay then let's wait till detention is over"

We sat in silence as I picked up my phone and opened instagram liking things that got my attention. Kayden was next to me staring outside waiting for the time to pass quickly.

After some excruciating painful minutes the bell rang signaling that the detention was over and it was lunch break. "Hey it's time let's go". Kayden said. I packed my things and pocketed my phone and headed out for the door first. I felt Kayden's presence behind me and decided not to turn my back only for me to hear a smacking sound. I froze and turned my back to face Kayden. That smack sound was my butt. He actually hit it.

"Sorry couldn't help it" he smiles sheepishly.

"Oh you are so dead Kayden wait until I get my hands on you I will cut your balls and feed it to dogs"

As I said that his face turned pale and was looking at me as if I had grown two heads. He was horrified by my threat and put up his hands in defeat.

"Please don't touch my balls, I'm sorry!" he said while dashing past me and out of the class without even looking back. I guess he was really scared of my threat. I walked out of detention class and straight to the cafeteria. Lucy was sitting at a table in the corner and she waved me signaling me to come over. I picked up my food and went to her.

"How was detention?"

"It was so fucking boring"

"Really? I thought you were with someone"

"Oh no I was there alone why would you think that huh?"

"Nothing I thought you were with someone"

"Oh okay"

I lied to her so that she doesn't know that I was with Kayden the whole time. We ate our food in complete silence. Kayden also appeared with the boys and came to our table. He sat by me and the other two boys sat by Lucy with their food trays.

"Mind if we ruin your comfortable silence?" one of the boys asked. I think I know him. His name is James and the other one is Levi. They looked like brothers.

"Um no please you may do what you wish I don't mind"

"Yeah" Lucy concluded.

"Are you brothers by any chance?" I pointed a finger at both of them.

"Yeah" they said in unison.

"I am James and this is my brother Levi, I am two years older than him"

"Nice to meet you Kira, Kayden's girl" James said as he looked between Kayden and I with a slight hint of disgust in Kayden's direction.

"Yeah I hope we can get along well" Levi said looking at me.

"Yes that would be lovely" I replied back.

As the conversation was going on Lucy was quiet the whole time as she and Kayden exchanged glances. I pretended as if I did not take notice of what they were doing. I think James and Levi also saw it but said nothing. Soon our trays were empty and everyone picks up their trays and placed where it was supposed to be.

"Kira and Lucy we have to go to class, I don't think we have the same classes together"

"Yeah see you later babe" I winked playfully at Kayden.

"Let's meet at the parking lot when we close, Kira gives us a ride home" Lucy said hitting my arm playfully.

"Sure I'll give you all a ride home don't worry"

Kayden, James and Levi left for their class leaving Lucy and I to go to our class. Lucy hooked her arm with mine and we went for the last class. When we reached we sat behind at the last seat so that we could not get caught when we misbehave. Lucy was texting someone with a smile on her face while I was playing games on my phone.

Somewhere along the line the teacher said we will be going for a field trip to the zoo to explore and learn new stuff. That caught my attention so I cancelled the game and looked up. Everyone was excited for it and since tomorrow is Saturday it will be double the fun. We were dismissed early and were told to go and pack our stuffs and get some rest too. We left the class and met up with Kayden at the parking lot. He was leaning against my car with his eyes closed. I left Lucy's side and quickly went to him and gave him a peck on his lips to see Lucy's reaction. She came to us later trying very hard to hide her pissed face. She looks like she wants to kill me. Well if she wanted to play this way then we will.

"Did you guys hear about the field trip tomorrow?" Kayden asked us.

"Yes we did, it will so much fun" Lucy said linking both of our arms with hers.

"Yeah let me drop you guys at home and we will get enough rest and pack our things for tomorrow"

We all entered the car and I drove them to their homes. I also went home too since I was exhausted. I open the door with the spare key under the mat and got in. I went up stairs straight and lay on my bed without bothering to remove my clothes. I will set an alarm and sleep for two hours when I wake up I will pack my things for tomorrow.

Thirst For RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now