not an update

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THIS IS NOT AN UPDATE. and i hate when people do this but i need some reassurance.

I JUST HAD THE MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT EVER. i was in class and i was supposed to play mary had a little lamb. i started but then my phone glitched. i was playing on a keyboard app. my phone glitched regularly since i got some water in it over the summer but once it glitched, i just started freaking out.
i was like lemme try again and it glitched again and then i started apologizing over and over and then i tried to share my screen and the sound wasn't working and i was like LEMME JUST DO IT ON MY PHONE.

then i did it on my phone and it glitched still but whatever and i was just like -_- 

i started crying after we left class and i just felt super overwhelmed.

ik none of y'all care and probs just want content but i know writing about this will make me feel better so i wrote this and published it.


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