Memories - Episode 13

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Gwen and Rhys are sitting contentedly outside in their back garden on a polished, clean, light brown bench. They discuss their matters and problems at hand, whilst looking across their beautiful garden. In their hands, each hold a soothing cup of tea in a white mug. "How d'you s'pose we get the Retcon? Just ask Jack?" Rhys ponders to Gwen. "I can't think of another way, Rhys. I see that as our only option we have left." She answers him and takes a small sip of her tea. "We ought to tell the others not to remind us 'bout the shit we've been through." Rhys makes a suggestion. "It will be a difficult life to just forget about the past four years. But we'll manage. Hopefully." Gwen says, but they know they've already made their mind up.

"I can't believe it worked!" Jack exclaims, staring at his once-deceased friends. "I mean - not to boast - but I thought it would." Jack rambles on, without further explaining to them about his plan in the original timeline. "The bloody hell are you on about, Jack?" Owen questions him, looking puzzled. Captain Jack sits down on the sofa and Ianto sits next to him. Jack explains everything to them and tells them about their deaths. He then explains that Rex must now go back and save Esther and possibly Mollie and Bruce as well.

"So I just gotta get on that and have my mind set back in time." Rex infers, looking slightly confused about the whole idea. "That's right." Jack clarifies. "I think it's perfectly safe; considering Jack did survive the encounter." Martha adds. Suddenly, they hear muffled moans and a banging on a door behind them. The noises came from the room that the Blue-Eyed man is in. "Son of a bitch! The bastard is still alive." Jack remarks and they wonder what they should do about him.

James sends a text message to Archie saying:

"After Isabella's sudden death, I find no life for me here without her. My mission from the future is finished and there's nothing left for me here. I wish you guys all the very best and hope you don't end up like you did from the stories about you in the future, Archie. Please explain to Sophie that I've moved on and tell her that I will miss her most definitely. You may see me in the again sometime; but I shall not stay. Goodbye and good luck, my dear friend."

James sends the message off and signs himself out of the Torchwood logs. Then he deletes all his records on the database and leaves a short message for Sophie on a computer explaining why he must go. "I'm sorry for this." James says, looking around the base and remembering all his best memories in the base.

James enters the elevator for the last time and a couple tears fall across his face. He wipes them away with his hand and leans against the side of the elevator whilst he waits for the final journey to come its end.

"James has gone. He sent me a text saying he's goin' back to the future." Archie explains to the group. "Must've been through some tough times if he's decided to go back." Tosh states. "Who else loved watching 'Back to the Future' when they were younger?" Owen asks randomly. "Oh, yeah." Ianto agrees. "To be honest, who didn't watch it at some point?" Mickey replies rhetorically. "That's true." Owen agrees with him; realising they've gone completely off topic.

"Are you ready, now?" Rex asks Martha as she's getting the chair ready for him. "Just about - finished!" Martha exclaims and gets him ready for a journey to his .past. "Be safe and be careful, Rex." Jack says once he's all wired up and set to go. "Don't you worry, World War 2. I'll be just fine. I'm gonna get our friends saved in no time and soon, we'll all be together, again. See ya, Jack." Rex smiles to him and closes his eyes, while his mind gets sent back in time...

The Blue-Eyed man continues to bash his feet on the door, hoping to break it down. "We gotta fuck that guy up. No point in keepin' him alive." Archie explains, using his thumb to point towards his general direction. "What do you suggest we do? Just kill him? We don't have his full story yet. Perhaps he could be useful." Ianto suggests, not wanting any more blood on their hands. "I agree with Ianto. I can't agree to killing someone without knowing who they are completely." Tosh agrees. "But he's dangerous. He's gonna try and kill us." Owen disagrees and shares his opinion. "Listen, I am not a big fan of murder, but he wants to capture me and mutilate me. Just like last time. And remember how different and horrible the world was when they took over? Nobody wants that, again." Jack explains to them, making Tosh and Ianto change their minds.

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