Ch1: How It All Began

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(Set in Mothra's POV)

All stories have beginnings but, the beginning of this one is my beginning.

My name is Mothra.

I am the second generation of the first Mothra.

I'm also the Queen of the Monsters, who resides beside the King of the Monsters.


Don't make me start talking about him.


I live on an island that is out in the middle of the ocean, on the outer banks of Japan.

I don't live alone though.

I live alongside the Infant Island people.

They are very nice and plus, they worship me.

When they found me as an egg, they claimed me as their goddess.

Also, whenever the world is in trouble and peril from monsters such like Rodan, Godzilla and King Ghidorah, my priestesses Moll and Lora summon me by singing a song.

The song is really catchy but soothing.

Gosh... I wish I didn't have these big wings but, you know what the humans say...

The bigger, the better!

Okay. Since I've covered the basic information about me and what I do, let's begin on why I had to leave Infant Island to find someplace else peaceful...

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