Part 9

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A bright beam of golden light leaked in through the green tainted window painting the room a dusty yellowish green. "Wake up y/n"

Y/n's pov
I groaned at the sharp pain in my head , I sat up in my bed and let my eyes adjust to the room around me. This wasn't my bedroom..?
"Morning y/n"
"Morning pansy"
Wait. "I'm still here" I grinned lifting my hand to my forehead. "Uh yeah you're still here" pansy giggled Tilting her head to the side. "Where else would you be?" She questioned her eyebrows furrowing slightly. "Oh no where" I leaped out of bed suddenly full of energy.
"Alright y/n I'll let you get ready, me and Draco will wait for you in the common room"
Pansy gave me a half smile shutting the door behind her. I waited for her footsteps to stop and I squealed to myself , IM STILL HERE!!
I'm never getting used to this!
I decided to explore my dorm further , there was a pretty golden desk sat between my bed and the window where sat my robes folded neatly. "Pansy must have folded them for me, bless her" I whispered to no one but myself as I adjusted my green and silver tie and buttoned my robe.
The door revealed A set of stairs spiralled up to Slytherin common room , I followed them upwards to see pansy and Draco holding each other. Awwww.
"Hey love birds" I grinned strolling up to them.
"Shut up y/n" Draco snapped pushing pansy off of him. Damn that was mean.
"Pfffft.. Draco.. what a baby" I took hold of pansys hand and dragged her away from  Draco leaving him standing there as we slipped past the exit.
"HEY Y/N STOP COME BACK" Draco chased after us as we ran from him giggling.
"CATCH US THEN BLONDIE" I screeched running through the long corridors Decorated with paintings "shhh" whispered a portrait
"You two be quiet" yelled another
"No running in the corridors!" All the paintings whined at once.
Once we had made it outside the great hall pansy panted, out of breath she lay on the floor, in a fit of giggles. I soon joined her On the floor , both of us a mess.

"What do you two dunderheads doing on the floor? I'd hate to take points from my own house but I will not hesitate"
Quickly me and pansy stood brushing ourselves down. "Nothing professor" I looked up to see a tallish man dressed in black , he tilted his head up looking down at us past his abnormally large nose. "I'd hope so malfoy" the man turned around dramatically flicking his greasy black hair over his shoulder. "Professor snape is such a grump" pansy shook her head before performing a spell on us to fix our hair and robes. "OI PANSY Y/N"
We turned around in unison to see a slightly distressed Draco , his white hair sticking up in every direction. Pansy covered her mouth trying to stifle another giggle. "My father will hear about this" Draco mumbled trying to fix his hair. "Yes he will" I beamed taking a picture of him with Pansys  camera. "Y/N NO STOP" Draco whined trying to pull the camera off of me. "Not happening blondie" i returned the camera to pansy and performed the same spell pansy used on us on Draco, his messy hair reverting back to its neatly combed self.
"You better not show that to dad" Dracos pale cheeks darkened slightly. "Don't worry Draco I won't~ maybe mum though" I winked placing the photo into my pocket. "Can I get a copy of that?" Pansy pleaded. "Of courseeee" I laughed at Draco's  face.
"Anyways I'm starving let's get breakfast please" Draco yelped trying to change the subject he linked his arms with mine and pansy leading us into the great hall. Mean girls who?

The hall was  already filled with students and the tables looked packed, I guess I'll be sitting with Slytherin today.
Me Draco and pansy sat at their usual spot at Slytherin table , Draco immediately started shoving his face with food.
"Slow down Draco" I slapped his shoulder playfully and Draco glared at me wiping his mouth with his sleeve. "Thought father taught  you better than this" dracos face went from pale to red again, he seemed to do this whenever I brought up Lucius. "Y-yeah I'm just uh hungry" Dracos eyes widened dropping his folk back onto his plate. "Aren't you going to eat something y/n?" Pansy asked her eyes showing concern. "Oh no I'm not that hungry this morning" I smiled. I wasn't  hungry because my clone was probably asleep.. I don't know how this works. "You should eat anyway you might be hungry later" pansy passed me a green apple "your favourite right?" I looked at the apple and then back at her. "Yeah thank you pansy"
I took a bite of the juicy sour apple , This was definitely real. I looked up past Draco's  shoulder locking eyes with none other than my favourite gryffindor.
Oliver sent that same old smile at me making me feel weak per usual.
I sighed looking down at the wooden table , pansy tapped my shoulder indicating me to look back at her. "Yes , pansy?"
"Why the sudden change of mood?"
My eyes drifted back to Oliver to see he was still staring at me.
"Wood?" Draco shook his head in disbelief.
"I have to watch him practice later." I Stated as I threw the remains of my apple in the bin. I wasn't hungry.
"Okay but you're going so that you can watch their techniques right?" Draco raised his brow his mouth full of food.
"Uhh yeah that's what I'm doing" I sent a genuine smile towards Ollie and his smile widened.
Pansy followed my eyes noticing Oliver's grin and she eyed me in suspicion. "That's all right y/n?"
"What do you mean pans?" I questioned but I couldn't take my eyes off of Oliver.
"Oh my god" pansy grabbed my face forcing me to look at her.
"Shut the fuck up pansy" I hissed pulling her hands off of me. "That's bullshit no never not me falling for a gryffindor"
"It's the denying it whilst staring at him for me" Draco spat causing pansy to erupt with laughter. "I only met him properly like a couple of days ago" I huffed fiddling with my fingers.
"Woods better than diggory" pansy giggled
"Hey! Ceds my friend! And you can't talk..look at this soggy melt!" I shouted pointing at Draco. "HEY SHUT THE FUCK Up" Draco slapped my arm "our farther will hear about this"
"Besides cedrics got his eye on Ella"
Draco's eyes widened even wider than before. "How the hell did Cedric pull of Ella"
Pansy and I exchanged glances before I returned my attention to Draco. "It's more Cedric fancying Ella.. why would it bother you Draco? You have pansy"
Pansy shuffled uncomfortably in her seat, I knew there was something up with them.
"I don't care" Draco sneered
"Not for anyone and not for that mudblood"
Now it was my turn for my eyes to widen.
"DRACO" I screeched.
"We talked about this" I whispered , feeling pansy squeeze my knee from under the table in attempt to calm me. "We weren't going to use that word Draco, not in public anyway"
Draco stood up ready to leave.
"Maybe that's your views y/n but as for me, I hope you and Ella stop talking, for our family's sake"
"Since when did you care Draco? You said you agreed with me, that outside of the manor we'd act friendly towards all bloods" I whisper shouted in desperation.
Draco sighed looked at his feet. "You're right I- I'm having a bad morning"
I opened my mouth to say something but Draco had already turned to leave.
"What does he mean bad morning?" Pansy turned in her seat to face me properly.
"We were all laughing one minute and then.."
I turned to look at her, her eyes full of a mixture of sadness and confusion "I-I don't know pansy.. is it something to do with Ella do you think?"
Pansy turned away from me for a moment , as if trying to come up with an excuse.
"I don't know.. I, me and Draco we.." she started unable to form words.
"It's okay pansy" I rested my hand on her back and gave her a small hug. "You don't have to tell me, but if anything is bothering you , you can"
"And if anything happens between you and Draco I promise to always be your friend"
The corner of pansys mouth turned upwards and her eyes softened "thank you y/n"
"You're welcome" I gave her a reassuring smile.

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