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The wind blew in from my left out of the open glass window. It was raining outside so it was hard to concentrate on my work but it had to be this way.. one of the school rules you see, to keep the ventilation going.
It's the year 2020 so you know what that means. covid 19
It almost didn't feel real to me , like something had shifted in the world for this to happen,
Sometimes I wish I could just alter the world slightly
So that this window would be shut and this mask wouldn't be clung to my face.
23,012 people testing positive daily and I'm still sat here working out how to do algebra? Bullshit.

"Alright 2 more minutes and we'll have to wipe down the tables" I heard my annoyingly loud teacher shout from across the classroom, I kinda liked wiping down the table.. that's how boring my life is I guess.

I packed my calculator and pens back into my pencil case and stuffed it into my bag, maths was over and it was time to go home.
Well back to my house anyway.

I had just stepped out from the building when I heard a voice yell my name from behind me
I turned around, it was B/F/N.
B/F/N and I had been best friends for a while now , we had quite a bit in common, like our total obsession for Harry Potter! She had a huge crush on Draco malfoy.. which for me I didn't get at all! Sure Tom Felton is an absolute sweetheart but Draco is just not it. b/f/n was a hufflepuff and I was a Slytherin.
"Did you see that tiktok I tagged you in?"
"The one of Draco?"
"What?! How did you know it was Draco??"
"who else would it be?"
"Cedric..the weasley twins.." she continued to list all her countless Harry Potter crushes whilst I began to zone out.
I didn't really crush on anyone from the film series, I mean they were all pretty attractive I suppose but I'm not sure..
"Huh? What?" I asked snapping out of my trance "I said my bus is here i've got to go now"
"Alright I'll see you tomorrow" I smiled and we turned our separate ways , b/f/n had to get the bus back home whilst I got picked up. "Remember to check your messages! I've got something to talk to you about!" She yelled back at me

What did she have to tell me ? Ah probably something to do with homework idk

I continued to walk up the steep path towards the exit gate of my school.
I turned back once to look at it "damn I wish it was Hogwarts" I whispered quietly to myself

"What was that?"
I jumped at the sound of a sudden new voice and turned to see...
"Who are you?" I asked looking up at a tallish boy with slightly tanned but pale skin and short spikey brown hair.
"I asked you a question first" he grinned his thick Scottish accent bouncing back at me in a sing song voice.
"I was just talking to myself.." I looked past him to see if my mum had arrived yet, she was supposed to be picking me up.
"Anyways who are you?" I turned back around to look at the boy, but he was gone. My eyes were closed, I opened them and I was lying on the floor. covered in ..dirt? I had fallen asleep? What? I must have passed out or something that boy was there and he was talking to me . Wasn't he? I look around in desperation to see if he was anywhere near by, but there was no one left waiting to get picked up.
My mind started to race and I was wondering how I could have possibly fallen asleep under the tree outside my school. Frantically I searched my pockets for my phone, the time read 15:30, so my mum was half an hour late to pick me up. I must have walked up to the gate and fallen asleep by the tree.. I've never had such surreal dreams before.. let alone falling asleep in the middle of walking.

The sound of my mums car travelling across the gravel was enough to wake me up from my thoughts , finally, I thought to myself as I opened the car door to sit in front passenger seat. "How was your day?" My mum asked whilst turning down the volume of the music she was playing.
"Alright just the usual" I'm too tired to discuss today I feel like I haven't slept for days and it's only Wednesday.
"The usual?"
My phone buzzed in my pocket
Oh yeah.. b/f/n had something to tell me! I opened watts app to receive nothing but a link

A link..
it read:
A guide to reality shifting


The girl who came home || OLIVER WOOD/readerWhere stories live. Discover now