Making friends

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An: this story is mostly your POV but I'm just letting you know since I added Oliver's last time

The lesson had now come to and end, it was really quite Interesting seeing what everyone's bogarts were. Far more interesting than maths.
I followed the rest of my classmates out and into the beautiful long corridor,I felt Cedric coming up behind me to grab my arm. Only it wasn't Cedric, it was a certain Scottish honey eyed boy. "Oliver" I gave him my most genuine smile, up close he really was quite handsome.
"Y/n" he smiled back at me. Maybe we weren't enemies after all.
"So I just came to ask if you're okay" his Scottish accent filled my ears making my knees feel sort of weak. "Yes I'm fine , why do you ask?" His eyes looked sort of concerned , I didn't script this to happen.
"It's just your boggart seemed kind of I don't know deep , I wanted to check up on you, are you a quidditch fan?"
I grinned, quidditch was my favourite part of hogwarts and I always wanted to play. "I'm Slytherins captain!" I declare very proudly.
He took a step back from me "really? I thought Slytherin already had a captain" But Cedric told me I was captain?
Speaking of Cedric
"Y/n! ... wood" the hufflepuff appeared  from nowhere coming up from behind Oliver.
"Alright diggory" Oliver glanced at the boy but immediately turned his attention back to me.
"How long have you been at hogwarts y/n? I'd reckon I'd remember a face like that if I ever saw one" he smiled lightly showing his teeth.
Cedric gave me a confused look . I had so many questions. Was he flirting?
"Umm" I stuttered nervously, I should have scripted in more detail, I didn't expect this.
"She's been here since year 4 wood , y/n joined late because of family issues" Cedric looked Oliver up and down, a slightly annoyed look appearing on his features. "Ah alright , are you a new captain?" I looked back at Cedric and he nodded at me a flash of concern in his eyes.
"Yes I am, hope that won't ruin our friendship" I smiled at him "I know you're Gryffindors captain and I also happen to know Slytherins and Gryffindors are stereotyped not to get along" Oliver gave me a long hard look, a look I didn't know would make me feel so dizzy so warm yet I could feel my hands start to shake.
"Of course y/n we can be best of friends as long as you support puddlemere, I hope to play for them one day" a smile re-appeared onto his face instantly making me calm again. "Absolutely" 
"I'm still here you know" I looked away from Oliver to Cedric who hunched over me impatiently. Cedric was the same height as Oliver who were both quite a bit taller than me, I felt so small.
"I'm sorry ced , if you're hungry I'll meet you at the table"
"Fine, you better be there malfoy, where are you sitting today?" Cedric gave Oliver a side glance as if to say 'not with him I hope'
"I don't know yet I need to check on Draco then I'll catch up with you" that was a lie I just felt a bit on edge like maybe Cedric and Oliver weren't the best of friends.
"Alright malfoy" Cedric made his way to the great hall , he never called me by my last name at least I don't think he did. To think I'm a malfoy . It's so weird not being called l/n.

Now it was just me and Oliver alone in the hall.
"So you support puddlemere?'' Damn straight to the point ..
"Yes of course I do" I smiled looking into his eyes, those eyes.
"We'll get along just fine then.. you say you're the Slytherin captain huh?" We began to walk into a direction that certainly wasn't the way to the great hall but I decided to follow him anyway. "Yep that's me" I fiddled with my tie nervously looking up at him , he was already looking at me. "What position do you play?"
"Seeker, I'm wicked fast on a broom and I have incredible eyesight" I made up on the spot knowing now that's scripted, it's true.
"Well that makes sense then" he smiled "I'm the keeper" we exited the halls and walked down a grassy lane towards.. the quidditch pitch.. of course.
"So malfoy, I hope you don't mind me asking you too many questions.. I figured we could just fly for a bit and talk"
What was he saying.
"Talk?" I asked stopping in my tracks in front of the pitch
"Yeah we can get on the brooms and fly around and talk, I don't know you very well but I have some questions you seem, I don't know, cool"
"Cool?" I laugh at his awkwardness.
"What! Come on don't be a bore , we won't play or anything just a little flying!"
"Like a walk in air!" I giggled and his smile widened. "Sure"

I'm not going to lie I was a little bit nervous as I stared  at the broom in front of me which was apparently mine, it was in my locker thingy.
I had never flew on a broom before but I scripted myself to be amazing at it and my other lessons today didn't go too bad so hopefully this won't.
I lifted my hand above the broom,before I could even mutter the words up the thing came crashing into my palm, as if it had done it by muscle memory.
"You must have been playing for a long time then, you didn't even have to say up" Oliver picked up his broom and sat on it , automatically floating mid air.
I sat on the broom and up I was a smile on my face.
"You look as though you've never flew before! The look on your face, you look so cute" he laughed at my expression as I sped upwards and into the sky. Amazing this is just like magic.
Oliver caught up with me and flew so close to me I almost fell off  my broom.
"We should fly a little lower incase we get caught"
"Caught?!" I shout a little too loudly, I had a habit of doing that.
"Shhh yess we aren't really supposed to be here" he smiled at me. He needs to stop smiling like that or I actually will fall of my broom.
"But don't worry I've never been caught"
"What do you take everyone flying with you ?" I laugh teasing him. "NO I come  here alone"
He looked almost offended. "Oh well how's that?" I felt a bit guilty, he looked a little sad.
"It doesn't matter you're here with me aren't you , now malfoy, tell me what your views are"
"What do you mean?"
"I'm a half blood does that bother you"
"Of course not why would it??"
"I was just checking nothing personal don't worry"
I looked down and then back up at him "it's because of my family isn't it, I don't blame you for thinking so but me and Draco aren't really like them, Draco just puts on a show, I however am more mature than that, your blood status does not bother me in the slightest Oliver wood" Oliver smiled again but this time it was a different sort a smile it was a smile I've never seen before on anyone. Not even in my cr.
"I really like you y/n malfoy"
"I like you too Oliver wood"
A long pause.
The wind blew my h/c hair gently out of my face , the sky was slowly shifting from a clear blue to a warmer pinkish colour.
"shit! Cedric" I flew down towards the bottom of the quidditch pitch, Oliver following after me.
"God y/n I'm sorry you must be starved I kept you from the great hall, look I'll sit you with and diggory I think I need to talk to him"
I quickly fixed my hair and put my broom where we keep them , me and Oliver ran up the hill towards the great hall.
"I'm so sorry y/n" Oliver repeated again looking at me in desperation.
"It's okaay Oliver! I swear to you I just don't want to get in a fight with ced"
I rushed towards the hufflepuff table to see Cedric sitting chatting with a girl.
I've never seen her before.
"Oliver I think it's best I catch up with you after wards you wait for me outside?"
Oliver gave me that stare he did earlier, the one that made me feel so weak. "Sure thing y/n."
I turned to leave letting him make his way to Gryffindor table as I made my way to Hufflepuffs.
"Cedric I'm so sorry I'm late" he turned his head from the girl sat opposite him and shifted his attention to me "it's okay y/n don't worry about it , it's about time Oliver said something to you anyways , he's got a cheek though acting like he doesn't know who you are" I sat down next to Cedric and looked up at the girl he was talking to. "Y/n this is Ella, if you don't already remember" Ella had long medium brown hair and forest green eyes that contrasted so well with her hufflepuff robes. I also happened to noticed that Cedric had been starring at her.
"Hello Ella, I'm y/n" she looked at me like she had seen a ghost "um I know we've been friends since last year, are you alright?"
Cedric finally took her eyes of Ella to touch my hand "are you sure it was only a minor obliviation  spell"
I didn't bloody script this.
"I'm sure I'm okay I swear just remind me I always remember after that.
Cedric let go of my hand and glanced back at Ella who's facial expression now resembled a sad one. "Well" Cedric started his eyes darted between me and Ella "ever since you joined me you and Ella have been inseparable, really good friends uh" Cedric may as well taken a picture of Ella at this point he wouldn't stop starring at her.
"Ella how could I forgot you" I reached over the table to hug her and a smile appeared on her before sad face. I had to say something, I'm sure we'll get a long fine, we're supposed to be best friends anyways.

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