Slytherin common room

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I quickly left the great hall knowing I had to meet Oliver before heading back to the common room which by the way I wasn't 100% certain if I knew where that was.
On my way out I bumped into someone, finding myself on the floor outside the great hall. "Well that was very clever" I look up and to my surprise not it's Oliver. He extends his hand forward for me to reach , taking hold of his hand I stand back Up on my feet. "Hey wood"
"Awh that hurts, I thought we were on a first name basis Malfoy" I tried to hide my smile, I did this too much around him but he never failed to hide his own. He reached his arms behind me and pulled me into his chest , he smelt like freshly cut grass and lavender, sort of like the quidditch pitch.
I wrapped my arms around him and he held me there for a moment ,I felt a sense of dejavu.
I pulled away to look into his soft brown eyes. "Oliver have we met before?"
"Have we met before?" I repeated myself again his arms still wrapped around me.
"I don't think so" his accent full of confusion, he stared at me as if he were questioning himself. "Though I did find you awfully familiar"
I shook my head and hid my face back into his chest I barely knew him but he made me feel like I was at home.
"Y/n I think I have quidditch practice tomorrow it would be nice if I'd get to see you there maybe , I know we're opposite teams but-"
"Of course I'll be there" I pulled away from him and started walking towards where I think the Slytherin common room was. "I have to go Oliver but it was so nice meeting you it almost feels like we've known each other for years"
"Tell me about it" he grins making my heart melt.
"I'll see you tomorrow Oliver"
"Goodbye malfoy"
I turned around my heart a mess.
I didn't script any of this to happen but here I am, smitten.

I didn't actually know the password to Slytherin dorms so I just kind of stood there awkwardly staring at the entrance.
What was I supposed to do? If filch caught me I'd get into so much trouble..

"Y/n? Where have you been"
Draco stepped out from behind the entrance before dragging me back inside with him. "I was just about to go looking for you." A look of concern plastered onto his usually pale face ,which was now slightly pink, caused me to hug him. I wish I had a brother like Draco in my cr.
he hugged me back but only for a short while, Draco wasn't the type for physical contact.
"I forgot the new password" I muttered under my breathe as Draco guided me to sit down with him and pansy on a black leather sofa, the same sofa I woke up in.
"Hey y/n" pansy smiled sweetly, she was so much nicer than people portrayed her to be, or to me at least.
Now that I had a better look at it, Slytherin common room was beautiful.
The walls consisted of derelict patterned stone
; half covered with painted black furniture and wide closed windows that revealed sparkling green water, contrasting perfectly with the green pillows and ornaments dotted around evenly across the room.
I could have sworn I also saw light specs of green dust and glitter glowing , floating around us.
"Any news then?" Draco asked looking directly at me.
"Aboutttt?" I asked in a sing like voice
"Ella" he barked as if I had just told him something so ridiculously stupid.
Pansy suddenly lifts her head from dracos shoulder to look at him, but Dracos focus remained on me.
"Sorry?" I was too tired for this.. Draco was dating pansy.
"About quidditch! I know you're best friends with her and diggory or whatever , Slytherin have a game with hufflepuff next week. did they tell you anything?" Phew I didn't want any drama..everyone seemed to fancy Ella these days.
"Nope" I shrugged looking back at pansy who's head had now gone back to resting on dracos shoulder. "What about wood"
my heart sped up a bit at his name. "Nope nothing we just talked about usual stuff"
Draco gently pushed pansy off of him, he pressed his right foot forward and pushed himself up from the leather couch in one still movement. "Nothing at all?" He repeated.
Damn Draco cared a lot about quidditch , does he play?
"You don't even play Draco!" Pansy stood up clinging onto dracos arm, which he by the way didn't seem very fond of. "No but still you're going to become a professional quidditch player y/n , dad payed for the newest broom and everything" Draco grinned at the thought of having his pure blood sister becoming a famous quidditch player, their father thought the same.

I stood up from my seat so that we were all standing face to face. "I don't need to get any information out of Cedric or Ella to win this game" a smirk appeared on my face as I thought of me and Oliver earlier. "Slytherin will win that match next week, I'll make sure of it.."
I then remembered it was Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw this week. "As for tomorrow I'll go watch Gryffindor play , see their techniques" a grin appeared on both pansy and Draco's faces. "Maybe we'll win the house cup this year, I'd love to see the look on potters face" Draco remarked his grin replaced with a slightly evil smirk.
Again I found my thoughts tracing back to Oliver, I wonder how quidditch will affect our relationship? "Well y/n we should get some rest then" pansy gave Draco a hug before I followed her down to the girls dorm.
I hope when I awake I'll still be here , after all one night in my CR is a week in my Dr.

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