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Reality shifting?
That sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie
I stg 2020 just keeps getting weirder and weirder
It was now 6pm and I'd been home for about two hours researching this "reality shifting."
I wasn't sure what to think of it.
There are several different methods and ways of doing it.. theatrically shifting my soul and mind from my body to another reality..
I wondered if this was possible.. surely it isn't.
Maybe it's just an extreme form of lucid dreaming?
Then it hit me
That boy
Was that reality shifting?
No don't be ridiculous
I breathed in slowly as I began to do further research on the matter .

Billions upon billions and trillions of realities are existing at this moment, this is a fact. Whether you believe it or not is your choice. But it's the truth.

You exist in every single one of those realities. The reason why you're not seeing/experiencing those realities is because you are acutely aware of this particular reality. And this is the only reality you believe you have ever known, or is it?

We shift billions of times each second, and each choice we make is a reality. For example, if I decide to go to the supermarket and buy fruit, I have billions of choices to make.
Choice 1 - buy an apple
Choice 2 - buy an orange
Choice 3 - buy a banana
Choice 4 - buy all 3
Choice 5 - buy 2 apples and an orange
Choice 6 - leave the store without buying anything
And so on. Hopefully you get the idea.
Now, obviously I could buy 60000 apples, 2kgs of bananas and 7 oranges, couldn't I?

What is shifting?
With that being said, shifting is the act of shifting your consciousness or moving your awareness/perception to that of a certain reality, whether intentional or not.
What we are doing in this amino, in this shifting community, is to shift our awareness from our CR to a specific reality, which is our DR/WR/TR.

What is a CR?
A CR is our Current Reality, the reality that you're in right now, reading this.
What is a DR?
A DR is a Desired Reality. What you are in right now is called a reality, you must know that by now. And obviously something that you 'desire' is something that you want, right? So a Desired Reality is a reality that you want to be in, or to live in.
Function: To live your desired life, to live your best life.
What is a WR?
A WR is a Waiting Room. It's just another reality. It's the exact same as a DR, but with a different function.
Function: It serves as a place you can shift to if you haven't fully scripted your DR, if you just want to test out shifting, or if you just want to leave this reality.
What is a TR?
A TR is a Temporary Reality. It's a reality you shift to temporarily.

Wow , okay
Maybe this isn't totally crazy ..
Images of my boring dull grey life at my public secondary school in Devon flashed over my eyes , reminding me of how much I wanted to go home. I'm going to do it. I'm going to shift.

Sighing I messaged b/f/n a quick response
"I'm going home🥺"

Pulling out my notepad and pens I started to work on my script

Name: y/n l/n
Height *whatever u want*
Nooo never mind .. let's get more interesting
Name: y/n malfoy
I cannot be harmed or killed
I smiled to myself knowing what kind of crap I'll get away with being apart of the malfoy family
House: slytherin
Age 16
Blood status: pure blood
Family: malfoys - dracos older sister
My family cannot be harmed or killed
I will not encounter anything traumatic
My friends:
I thought for a moment, who would I like to be friends with at hogwarts?
I know
Hermione granger the weasly twins Cedric
I know those characters pretty well.

A.N : if you are looking to script please do not use this as a template, write your script in more detail/ confirm certain things (look for a better template online)

I read over my script a couple more times making sure I had gotten the important stuff down like my safe word my appearance and friends ect. It was getting pretty late so i put on a subliminal and got into a star fish position on my bed.
I didn't expect it to work for the first time of course but I had to Atleast try.
I'm shifting
2 I'm shifting
3 I've shifted
4 I'm in my DR
5 I'm at Hogwarts

The girl who came home || OLIVER WOOD/readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ