Erica (3)

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Third Pov (flashback continued)

"I'm ending it from its misery," Erica replied, furrowing her own eyebrows in confusion.

"Don't you DARE!! How do you know if the baby will die or not?! What gives you the right to end Kelly's life?! Kelly will beat this fever and survive!! I know she will!!" Emma cried, her neverending positivity shining like always.

Norman could only watch the scene unfold with fear willing his sky blue orbs.

Erica spoke as though ending the baby's life was an obvious thing to do. The confusion on her pretty features said that she truly didn't understand the reason why Ray and Emma were preventing her from killing Kelly.

"Norman!! Help us out here!!" Emma shouted angrily, stopping when she came face-to-face with his terrified facial expression.

"Norman? Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"Let go of me, Ray. You know that this small human won't survive past tonight. It's been suffering from fever for the past three days, and its body has developed blue spots- the sign that all fever-sick babies portray before death. Rather than letting it suffer any longer, the best decision is for me to put it out of its misery."

"No!! Blue spots or not, you have no right to end Kelly's life!!" Emma argued.

"Why not?"


"Why do I not have the right? I have the right to make a choice. I could let this small human die of a painful fever overnight, or kill it quickly and painlessly. It's the least I can do for a human that has no future."

"The baby has a name!! It's not "it" and it's not "small human". It's Kelly. And I'm not going to let you lay a hand on her!!" Emma declared, tackling Erica to the floor.

"Norman!! Go get Mama, now!!" Ray shouted, sending the male off to retrieve Isabella, who had left in order to retrieve some hot water and towels for the baby.

"Tch." Erica's navy blue eyes filled with anger and annoyance.

Emma let out a small gasp when Erica's navy blue eyes flashed blood-red, finding herself crashing into the wall at the opposite end of the room.

"Emma!!" Ray cried, eyes widening.

"I'm fine!! Protect Kelly!!"

Ray stepped in front of Erica, stopping the female from approaching the baby.

"If you kill Kelly, her blood will forever be on your hands. And Emma's right. Blue spots or not, how do you know if Kelly won't survive?" Ray questioned.

"Its blood will just be one of the countless deaths on my hands. Nothing more than a number. I've seen many babies with the fever at other Orphanages. Ones that didn't develop the spots survived. The ones with the spots died within three hours. If you understood, and if you truly care for the small human, then you'll let me pass and end its life." Erica replied angrily.

"I do care, but I'm not going to let you kill Kelly."

".....I don't want to hurt you, but I will- if you defy me. I will not ask again. Move away from the small human." Erica growled, her navy-blue orbs glowing a dangerous blood-red.

Ray noticed the long, sharp black claws elongating from Erica's fingertips, followed by the pair of small black horns at the corner of her forehead and the large canines that threatened to tear his throat apart. Unlike his body that had frozen completely with fear, he found his mind reeling with shock and confusion.

Noticing his frozen state, Erica moved past Ray and towards Kelly. She reached a clawed hand out towards the baby, before freezing midair. Surprise laced her features.

"Erica, no-!"

Norman tackled the girl, straddling her and preventing her from killing Kelly. By now, Erica had been tackled twice and had been stopped so many times that her seemingly endless patience was nearing its end. Emma hurried over to Ray, hosting nothing more than a couple of bruises.

"Are you okay?"


What was that? Ray thought. He turned over to Erica, her navy blue eyes and normal fingers entering his sight. Did I imagine things...? Ray wondered to himself. Isabella hurried into the room, dripping with water and holding a towel in one hand. Her purple eyes widened at the sight of the damaged wall, and Norman straddling Erica.

"You can't kill an innocent baby, Erica!! What did she ever do to you?" Norman started, trying to persuade Erica.

"You're right."

"She never did anything! You've met her once- wait, what?"

"I can't kill the small human."

"See? I knew you would come to your senses!!" Norman spoke, his face brightening.

"Even I can't kill something that already dead, Norman."


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2.4 pages, 786 words

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