First Timeskip (2)

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Third Pov

Ray sat beside Erica, completely and utterly shocked. His eyes were wide, and his mouth was gaping open- showing shock from every part of his facial features.

"Wait- if Breeders are the ones that make the babies, then Partners are-" He began, the realization finally dawning on the male.

"I'm the turkey, and they're the ones that make the stuffing. And they stuff me while they're also at it." Erica commented in a lighthearted, playful tone.

Ray paled.

Was this the reason why Erica had such a screwed-up morality? Because rape was normal for Breeders?

He felt sick.

But at the same time, the image of Norman and Erica doing this-and-that sullied his mind. I'm never going to unsee that now... great. He grumbled internally.

"I'm a Premium-level Breeder, Ray. I have higher status than mere livestock like you and the other kids. Breeders are left alive up until they either die of childbirth, suicide, or sickness. Or until they become too old or become incapable of having kids. But because we're "gifted" with a longer lifespan and various other "benefits", we don't get to choose our partners."

"But you got to choose your Partner." Ray squeezed out, his throat feeling tight.

"My parents were well-educated. So I made a deal with what I had. I get to choose my Partners and move Farms when I want to. In return, I have to teach the kids everything I know for the duration of my stay." Erica answered, shrugging.

"So teaching us... was all because you were upholding your end of the bargain?"


"And you chose Norman as your Partner on your first day because...?"

"I rather liked him."

"But you knew nothing about Norman!! You chose to have a child with him just like that on your first day here?!" Ray whisper-shouted, a pink tint on his cheeks.

"Mama Isabella's Farm is famous for their high-grade meat. You thought that I wouldn't do any previous research on where I was going to move to? I've heard and read of you children three months before coming here." Erica retorted, scoffing.

".....And if I have to have kids with someone, I wanted someone sweet and nice. And cute. Norman fit the criteria."

"But I can be sweet and nice and cute too..."



"I said that out loud, didn't I?"

"You sure did."

Ray put his face in his hands, trying to hide his blush. He took a deep breath.

"You mentioned that Breeders got a longer lifespan and "benefits". Is that the reason why you aren't required to take Litanty Tests?" He asked, fanning his hot cheeks and changing the subject.

"Breeders exist solely to make children. Being smart isn't necessary. As we put more importance on physical prowess and health, we're not required to take Litany tests." Erica explained.

"We don't receive the love and care that you get. Every single day of our lives, up until the day we become eighteen, are compromised of physical training, taking care of newborn babies, and how to take care of oneself and others during pregnancy. We learn everything- from how to conceive a baby, to delivering them and taking care of them until they become one-year-olds." She continued, looking up into the clear blue skies with a faraway look in her eyes.

So that's why she's so good at taking care of children, Ray realized.

"Tell me more," Ray requested, pinning his green eyes on Erica's serene face.

"Breeders are usually children of Mamas and another Premium-grade male livestock. That's their final test, you know." She started once again.

"For becoming a Mama?"

"In order to become a Mama, a female livestock needs a Mama's recommendation and a very high score. After years of physical training and studying, they have a child of their own in order to become a proper "Mama" and become placed at a farm."

Ray's eyes widened once again. He knew he was Isabella's son. And he'd always wondered the real reason why she had him. Now he knew what she meant by "I did it to survive".

"If the child is a male, then they're placed randomly into a farm. But if the child is a female, then the mother has two choices. They can either choose to let them live an oblivious, emotionally fulfilling life at a farm or choose to place them in a Breeder Farm- and live longer as a babymaking machine."

".....Was that what happened to you?" Ray asked tentatively.

"I'm... a special case," Erica answered, a bitter smile growing on her lips.

Ray always thought that he had the short end of the stick. But he was proven wrong. Although it was a dark, cruel, and sad fate that she had been forced into, Erica burned brighter than anyone he'd ever seen. Ray couldn't help but marvel at her strength and resiliency.

But was it strength and resiliency?

Or was it a desperate, silent scream for help held captive in a broken shell?

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~


2.5 pages, 841 words

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