Secret Meeting (2)

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Third Pov

Emma's eyes widened with awe when Erica pulled up and opened an entire section of the wall, the door matching the wooden panels so that it wouldn't look obvious at a glance. It was just big enough for a single average-sized twelve-year-old to enter, being more than enough for the two girls.

"How-" Emma began.

"There are secret tunnels all over the mansion. They're quite old from the looks of it, and not all are safe to use since the wood's rotted away. But they're rather useful for stashing things or making a quick getaway. Ray and I came up with a way to communicate through marbles so that we can check that it's safe for us to go."


Erica shuffled through the tunnel on all fours, one arm carrying the snacks. Emma followed closely behind, having made sure to close the door behind them. After a few minutes of quiet shuffling, they reached a dead end. Two soft knocks signalled for Ray to open the door, leading the two girls out of a part of the wall.

"Glad you guys made it!!" Norman whisper-shouted, giving them a big smile.

Emma returned a big grin and a thumbs-up, Erica nodding.

"So what's all this about? A secret sleepover?" Ray asked, sitting on the floor with his back against the bed.

"I thought that it would let me learn more about you guys," Erica commented, taking a seat beside Ray.

Emma and Normal also took their seat, sitting across from each other with the snacks in the middle.

"Since the two of you are my Partners and the four of us are similar in age, I thought that this could be a fun and easy way for us to get to know each other without others' interruptions." Erica continued, taking a seat across Emma with the two boys on either side, the four of them making a square facing each other with the snacks in the middle.

"What did you want to know about us?" Norman started, grabbing a handful of dried apple slices.

"You know, this and that. I was wondering if you'd be open to playing some Scenarios with me."

".....Scenarios?" Ray asked, confused.

"We take turns asking questions related to a common Scenario to someone. They have to answer truthfully. But if they don't want to answer or don't have an answer, then they have to tell one embarrassing fact about themselves."

"Huh. Sounds cool!! I'm in!" Emma whisper-shouted, eyes sparkling and rearing to go.

"Me too."

"I'll also play, that sounds fun."

"Okay, so here's a simple example Scenario. All you have to do is answer it truthfully- once everyone's answered, the next person either gets to ask a new question based on the Scenario or ask about a different Scenario. Ready?" Erica asked.

The trio nodded, intrigued.

"What would you do if there was a monster chasing you in an unknown area, and you were all alone? This is assuming that you know where to go, and that you'll be able to meet up with others. Let's start with you, Emma."

"M-me? Uh, well... I think I'd try my best to get away from the monster. If I had a weapon or if I was able to beat it, then I'd probably fight it." Emma answered.

"I'd hide and wait for it to pass. If that doesn't work, I'd either have to outsmart it into a geological trap or just hope that I'd be able to outlast it. Of course, this is assuming that the monster has no way of tracking me other than its senses." Ray replied, a small glint of knowing passing through his eyes.

"I'd also have to do something similar to Ray, although I'd rely more on trying to outsmart the monster rather than to fight and win," Norman spoke, staring up into the ceiling as he thought of what he could do in the situation.

"What would you do, Erica?" Emma asked.

"I would fight the monster. Chances are, I'd probably win." She answered, giving the trio a cheeky grin.

"Alright, then what would you do if we had a bunch of the others with you? The monster's chasing behind everyone, and you know that you can't save all of them. Would you risk losing everyone but keep everyone together, or would you choose to protect the stronger, older ones?" Ray asked.

"Ray! What kind of a cruel question is that?!" Emma protested.

"Hey, it's just a game. Are you going to answer? Or are you going to tell us an embarrassing fact about yourself?" Ray questioned back, shrugging nonchalantly.

From the moment Erica asked a question related to escaping from a "monster", he understood exactly what she was trying to do. Erica was asking them questions and scenarios that would most definitely come up before, during, or after their escape from the Farm- and what they would do in that scenario.

Since Erica didn't know much about them, she was using the game and the "sleepover" as an excuse to probe deeper into their morals, actions, and what drove them forward as a person. By understanding and knowing what they would do in critical, stressful moments, Erica would be able to come up with a plan that could serve everyone-

Or herself.

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2.6 pages, 919 words

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