First Timeskip (4)

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Third Pov

"I want to survive, if my escape plan doesn't work," Ray answered, fixing his gaze on Erica.

"Even if it's just to make children for the rest of your life?" She questioned.

".....As long as I'm alive, I can make it out. I have a chance."

"Eh, sure. I'll find some sorrel and get 'em to you tomorrow. Just know that once you become a Partner, you can't back out."

"That's fine with me."

As long as I get to stay by your side, that's enough. He thought to himself, mixed feelings swirling in his mind and heart as he stared at the girl.

Heh. I bet Norman's going to throw a hissy fit when he finds out. Erica thought, chuckling.

"Hey," Ray started up once again, ignoring Isabella's sharp gaze pinned on the two of them.


"What's your goal?"

"Escape, just like you," Erica replied, her voice breathy and filled with content.

"Why here? Why now? Why us?"

"The other Plants that I've been to weren't good enough. Most were found out by the staff members, and all were harvested. And it has to be now because you don't find a place with conditions as good as this. Smart children, lots of resources, lax security, so on and so forth. And as for the last question..." Erica took a deep breath, and released it.

"I've... grown fond of the kids here. You, Norman, Emma, Phil... precious, adorable little humans that provide so much love so readily."

Ray fell silent.

After a moment of silence, he stood up and walked over to Erica, and lay down beside her.

"It's sure nice out today," He commented, instantly lifting the heavy atmosphere.

Erica laughed a little at his comment.

"I tell you all this dark-ass shit and that's all you say? "It's sure nice out today?" Damn, if I knew that you would be so chill about it I should've told you sooner." She muttered, airy breaths of laughter mixed between her words.

".....I didn't know you were so good at swearing."

"My parents were amazing at it. I learned early in my life."

A brief moment of blissful silence enveloped the two, the two young teens basking in the warm sunlight alone and with no interruptions.



The Author spoke too early. She jinxed it.

"Oh no..."

"Really? Now?"

Erica and Ray groaned simultaneously.

"What are you two talking about? You look so... close, 'ya know?" Emma asked curiously, Norman arriving just in time to hear their response.

"Nothing much. Ray wants to have kids with me." Erica tattled.





".....Did I hear that right?" Norman began.

"Did I fucking stutter?"

"Erica!! Language!!"

"Why don't you wash away my dirty language with your lips then, lover boy?"



"Erica, I think you broke Norman," Emma spoke, mind short-circuiting at the confusing turn of events.

First, Ray apparently made plans and talked for a good two hours about having a child of all things with Erica of all people.

Then Erica turned out to have a dirty dishrag for a mouth because her language was not children-friendly at all.

On top of that, she flirted with Norman and essentially killed him.

The albino was nothing more than a weirdly "tee-hee"ing lump of flesh and bones, blushing so furiously that he was practically steaming. Erica flopped over onto her stomach and crawled over to Norman, a worried look on her face.

"Nah. Humans aren't so weak that they'd die from flirting. Heeeeey, lover boy. You dead? Don't die." She commented, poking Norman with her index finger.

While Erica tried to revive Norman, Emma turned her attention to Ray- who also had a small blush on his cheeks. A devilish, teasing smirk grew on Emma's lips.

"Were you and Erica really talking about having kids together~? That's so cute!!"

".....Didn't you two come over here with a goal in mind?" Ray retorted, changing the subject.

Emma leaned closer to Ray, using her hand to block the outside noise and whispered to the taller male.

"Norman worried that you two would be lonely and bored on your own- but I think he was jealous that you two were alone with each other for so long!!"

"Ugh geez. He's in deep, isn't he?" Ray groaned.

Like you're one to talk, idiot. His inner voice quipped. Ray smartly ignored the voice and loved over at Erica and Norman.

Erica was throwing Norman's floppy, limp arms over and around her shoulders, gathering the male's body into her arms. Ray raised an eyebrow at her strange behaviour.

"What happened? What are you doing?"

"Did Norman die? DON'T DIE, NORMAN!!"

"Lover boy fainted. I'm taking him back to our room." Erica grunted, picking the albino male up with no difficulty at all.

She then marched back to the house, carrying a tomato-red Norman princess-style. Curious, worried kids followed after them like bees to a flower.

"We're going to tease him for days about this, aren't we?" Ray asked Emma absentmindedly.


~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Norman calls Erica "Eri". Erica calls Norman "lover boy" when she wants to tease him. Erica likes to swear around Norman because she likes seeing him flustered and surprised.


2.6 pages, 873 words

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