"My mother used to read those to me when I was a child," I said as I stood in front of him.

"I've never heard of these stories," He said looking up from the book.

"Really?" I asked, "Here hold onto these and give me that book."

"What are you doing?" He asked as he stood up with the book still in his hands.

"Buying it for you."

"No, you don't need to," He said as he set it down on one of the shelves nearby, "Just a bunch of children's stories really."

"If you say so. The Tale of the Three Brothers is one of my favorites," I said as we walked out of Tomes and Scrolls and down to Honeydukes.

"I don't think I have ever heard of that one."

"It's grand, it teaches you all about morals. Humility and wisdom. Some even say the story refers to Deathly Hallows," I joke with him.

"I guess you will have to read it to me sometime."

"Well, you are lucky that I have a copy of the book," I said as we walked into Honeydukes. At Honeydukes Draco got some sweets for both of us to munch on during the week. Once we were done with Honeydukes we headed to Three Broomstick Inn for a drink and possibly some lunch. We took a seat in the back in a booth away from everyone else. Draco left me to go up to the bar to order us some butterbeer as I had already cracked open one of my new books.

"Always reading I see," Someone said. The voice was familiar and cold. I looked up from my book not to see Draco but Fenrir Greyback and two other Death Eaters behind him. I closed my book immediately and perked up in my seat. Trying my best to defend myself and wishing that with every bone in my body they would just leave. My chest tightens as my mind raced to the thought he was here to hurt me again or drag me back to the dark lord.

"Please just leave me alone," I said firmly hoping Draco would come around the corner any moment and tell them to leave. From what I could see he was still at the bar waiting for our drinks. Fenrir reached over and took the book out of my hands.

"Charms? A pretty girl like you could do better than shoving her nose in a book."

"Give it back. I need that."

"For what. You can't actually be learning anything. Don't waste your time you'll be dead soon anyway," He said before he threw the book back at me. Panic filled my body as I could feel hot tears pooling my eyes as I caught it sliding off the table. Draco walked around the corner holding our drinks in his hand. Fenrir looked over at him and then back at me. I felt a sense of relief when Draco put himself between me and Fenrir.

"Ah, the happy couple. The Dark Lord will be pleased to see you two are in high spirits. Draco, will you be at the meeting tonight?" Fenrir asked as he took a few steps back. I looked down in my lap to try to forget about the Death Eaters just a few inches from me.

"Yes, now leave," Draco said. I heard their feet shuffle along the floor. Draco stood in front of me until I heard the back door close. I felt like I could finally breathe since they were now gone. Tears spilled down my cheek as Draco slid into the seat next to me.

"I shouldn't have left you alone," He said as he took my hands into his.

"It's okay. I'm fine. They didn't hurt me," I said placing my hand on his cheek, "I'm fine." Then I placed a kiss upon his cheek. As I pulled away I noticed a smile on his face.

"I noticed you didn't have a nightmare last night," Draco said after we had a few sips of our butterbeer.

"I did too. I think it has something to do with you. If I am honest," I said before taking another sip of my drink.

"How so?"

"Well, there was this one night that I didn't have a nightmare while I was home over the summer. I woke up with this lingering touch on my face. I couldn't help by thinking that you came to see me. Did you come to see me?"

"Depends are you going to be made if I said that I did?"

"Depends if you tell me the truth or not."

"Then I did. I had to see you and check up on you."

"That is sweet of you. You could have woken me."

"And risk being yelled at. No way."

"You don't know that," I said, "Actually you're probably right. I totally would have yelled at you." I buried my head into his shoulder. I felt Dracos lips kiss my head as I laughed. The two of us stayed at Three Broomstick talking until the sunset. It was growing dark and colder as we walked back through the forest to get to Hogwarts. Once we were safe inside the walls of the castle Draco left me as he had to go to his meeting. I made my way to the Gryffindor dormitory for the night. When I fell asleep that night I was haunted by the words of Fenrir Greyback

You'll be dead soon anyway.

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