Chapter 1 - first day punk!

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what the....

She heard a noisy sound

She half open her eyes and look at her alarm clock

7:00 am



5 more minutes...

5 more minutes...


She heard her sister calling and yelling at her door that irritates her

"Mickah !!!!!! " Her sister Veron yelled

" Get your Hell ass out of your bed now..!! I will be late if I wait you up!!!! It's already 7 for the heck!!!" She kept on yelling

She put her pillows in her ears


I said 5 more minutes



She decided to woke up coz she can't continue her sleep since her monster sister kept on yelling at her and her eardrum nearly explode

She brushed her hair before she go to bathroom and take a bath

It's Weird right?
Well Haha
Thats my ceremony before taking a bath or do anything else even I will be late
I can't take a bath without doing it first

Im Mickah Jean Steeve , 19 years old, 1/4 American ,1/4 Japanese ,1/2 Filipino

And today is my first day of my 3rd year college in a University

She is taking business management since they will both need to manage their company

And yes I transfer to a new school again
And I am happy because since it is 2 rides away from our house I will live in my condominium

Well for you to know we have a big company we are holding and supplier of a car company, airport, yacht and almost all type of transportation and a hotel and condominium

Her sister really get pissed off so she didn't waited up which she didnt give attention since no one really wait for her except her dad and Mom

I really have a super nice sister , you know " she said and laughed note the sarcasm

But still this is my last day with her since starting today I'm free and live on my own

I'm so damn nervous

What if I will do trouble again?

I don't want to make friends again and know my secret

Its not that I can't make friends
I have a lot of friends from my former school but since my Mom wants me before to enroll me in this fucking school which is two rides from our house
And its her wish to have me study and graduate here and since I became bad girl after 2 years I did not enroll in this University but I saw my mom Video saying her will like she would that bad things will happen
And its been 2 years since mom died from plane crush that leave me and my sister alone

I'm all alone even though I have older sister which is 3 years older than me and we always fight so were not in good terms and what happen to us?

I will tell you in the other chapter
so wait for it😉😉

So what I was saying is I don't want to make friends unless they started it or I feel to talk to them

I'm kinda snob but when you get to know me I'm cool and witty though straight forward which i think is my bad habbit

She's beautiful with her long black hair which above her butt

5'4 in feet

Have huge butt and chest though she think she is thin but everyones said she look sexy

Am I?

She walked at oher school gate and walk at hallway room which is A section

She hurriedly walked because she was late already and doesnt want to get yealled but she bumped into someone who was rushing with two another guys on his side

They were looking at there back

She ignored them and picked up her things which thrown out all over the floor due to impact when she collided to someone who She doesn't care to know

''Oh sorry " She apologized still looking at her things and didnt care to looked up

He didnt answer and run fast

She heard a ring bell which mean class will be start soon

She entered her room which is too noisy

She sat at the back coz She dont know anyone and dont want to mingle

She looked around and at her seatmate

They talking nonsense which She didn't care about and they have bitchy face!

"Ops sorry for the curse"

One next to my right was some weird girl

Her hair was almost covering her hair and looked like has own world and look like a old student here

She looked at my other side

she seem nice

"uhm, Hi I'm Kaye?" She asked me though she look like uneasy but cheerfully

" Uh I'm Micanne I'm new here"I answered back and gave smile

"uh Hi again so your new where you from? "She asked back

"uh yeah Nice to meet you , Im from LA which is 2 hours away from here" she said awkwardly

She called Sanna with she saID her bestfriend since child

" UhM hey Sanna, I'm Micanne?' She greeted to Sanna as she heard her name and looked at us while talking to her group of friends

"Uh hey there too"She answered and gave a polite smile

They became friends

Asked her questions when there first class started when the professor entered

We introduced each other to class as well as our teachers though she didn't pay attention to it


Hello everyone

Did you like the story so far??

please comment on what you think??

And sorry if theirs wrong grammar

Ill fix it if If I had time

hihi :))

I always love to write love story though I did'nt publish it yet because I dont know how to end it..


hope you understand


And I only update through my cellphone so I can't fix the media

coz I lost my laptop so I can't do anything

Sorry :))

thank you for readers


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