Chapter 14

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"Sanna we gotta go" She muttered while they helped packing there things while the basketball team watching other school's team game

"Oh is it time already?" Sanna asked

"Yap  almost we still have an hour but we need to be there early" she replied

"we gotta go Sanna  we will see you later at after party" Kaye said and they headed outside where they need to pass at the basketball team

His team

"Your going? " he asked that made her looked at him and stopped

"Uhm yeah we will participate in quiz bee" She said and looked at him

"Your coming at after party later? " He asked

"Uhm yeah I need to or Sanna will freak out" She said that made them laugh

They talked for a while before

She muttered goodbye

"Goodluck" he muttered and she walked at the door

She walked together with Kaye in auditorium where quiz bee will be held

"Goodluck on us fighting" they said together and sit on their designated chairs

"Welcome to Aliceville auditorium where the Quiz bee competition will be held" the emcee woman announced

The emcee called name and school of participants to checked the attendance

Every school has five representative

first question:
What country in the world would you found the most old tree?

Second question:
"What is the name  of  the man who first go to Moon ?"

Third question:
Who is the father of biology?

Fourth question:
what is the name of  the Man who first invented electricity?

Fifth question:
What is the formula  in getting the velocity?

Six question:

At Seven question there are six

person left

Mickah Santos and Kaye Sendin from Aliceville High

Julianne San Jose from Santa Anna High

Jeremy Hartly from Dam-Sam high

Kris Gottfried from Loreal High

Hessein Harris from Zeeland high

In Eight question fifth person left

Mickah Santos and Kaye Sendin from Aliceville High

Julianne San Jose from Santa Anna High

Jeremy Hartly from Dam-Sam high

Final question:

"You made it, you won" Kaye happily said and hugged her

Kaye got second place while she was first place while Jeremy Hartly from Dam-Sam was third palce

"Thanks Kaye you also made it" She said and hug back

"Congratulations, Your good and beated me and that's hurt" Jeremy said when he approached them

"Thanks Jeremy your also good" She said and they talked for a while before they muttered goodbye

"His cute Mickah did he ask you out?" Kaye teasingly said

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