Chapter 12

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Sup fuckers ✋😔


"Sooo how was everyone's day?" Mr. Kim asked looking at the boys. "It was decent." Jungkook said. "Yeah. Same here." Taehyung said too, both boys looking irritated. mrs. Jeon gulped. "My day was good thank you, what about yours?" Mr. Kim smiled and the two adults hit off a conversation as they ate dinner.

"What's your problem??" Taehyung whispered to Jungkook as Jungkook stabbed the chicken with his fork quite harshly. "Nothing I am fine." He said, obviously not fine. "You're being a jerk Jungkook what the hell." Taehyung said and got up. "Thanks for the meal" he said rolling his eyes and putting the plate on the counter before going to his room. Jungkook did the same but was stopped. "Jungkook can you go talk to your brother? He seems angry." Jungkook groaned. "I will later I don't feel too well right now." He said and walked off before they could say anything else.

He stopped at the top of the staircase looking at Taehyung's door. He let out a sigh before making his way towards the white door. He knocked on the door and fidgeted with his fingers. He looked up to see Taehyung opening the door, grey sweatpants and a white see through t-shirt and messy hair. "Are you alright?" Jungkook asked softly.

Taehyung held the top of the door frame and Jungkook's heart skipped a beat. "Yeah, everything's Gucci why did you come here?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook sighed again. "I know you get jealous when I'm with Bella." Jungkook whispered, not wanting the parents to hear the boys as it was all quiet downstairs, meaning the parents where probably listening to them.  Taehyung blinked a few times confused on why Jungkook was whispering but Jungkook glanced down and tilted his head and that's when Taehyung got it.

He smirked before grabbing Jungkook's wrist. "Thanks for coming a Jungkook... I actually need to talk to you that's been bothering me.." Taehyung said a bit loud before dragging Jungkook into his room and closing the door. "What-" Jungkook started but was pushed down into the bed and Taehyung hovered over him. "You want me to talk, hm?" Taehyung said. Jungkook blushed. "Yeah, go off." Jungkook said. Taehyung grabbed a plush jersey he had and turned off the lights and he had red led lights in. (Don't lie it's hot when the lights are red💀)

Jungkook got the hint. "Are you-?! Our parents!" He started but got cut off by Taehyung kissing his lips, making out with him. Taehyung grabbed the side of Jungkook's shirt and squeezed it, moaning into Jungkook's mouth. "I don't like Bella...." he started as he moved down to Jungkook's jawline and neck. "Whenever... I see you with her.." He took off his pants, leaving the t-shirt on. "I get so angry and jealous Kook." Jungkook was having a hard time listening to Taehyung as his body was in full tingles at this point but listened.

"I can't tolerate it.. I get scared that you'll start having feelings for her and forget about me.." Taehyung said now taking off Jungkook's pants and boxers. Grabbing a line from under his bed, pouring it on two fingers and slowly inserting Jungkook. Jungkook closed his eyes biting his lower lip. Oh god what the fuck was this.

"Taehyung.." Jungkook said softly looking at him as he felt tingles of pleasure up his spine. When Taehyung saw that Jungkook was fully hard he put on a condom that he had in his pillowcase for some reason and put lube on it. Taehyung lifted Jungkook's legs putting them on his shoulders as he put his dick by his entrance. "I can't lose you.." Taehyung said, as he then bit his lower lip inserting his dick into Jungkook.  Jungkook harshly squeezed the mattress that his knuckles turned white, his lower lip becoming bright red from biting it so hard and tears forming in his closed eyes.


"It's so great to see them getting along, Taehyung used to not have any friends. He was always cold and never opened up to anyone." Mr. Kim said. "Yeah, Jungkook has always been a shy boy but it looks like Taehyung is changing that a bit." Mrs. Jeon said. "Should we go upstairs to see if they're okay? It's very quiet." Mrs. Jeon asked. "Let them talk out, they are probably playing games anyways. We can check on them later."

"Taehyung listen..." Jungkook panted out, grabbing one of Taehyung's hand that was in the side of Jungkook's head, interlocking them. "I love you. I know this is hard, but I would never ever leave you no matter what happened." Taehyung slowled down his phase. "Promise?" He asked with a cheeky smile. "Promise." Jungkook smiled, lifting his head to kiss Taehyung.

Knock knock

"Boys can I come in?" Mr. Kim said. Taehyung immediately pulled out of Jungkook sitting up, and the same did Jungkook. The door opened and Mr.Kim raised an brow. "Why does it look like you two just ran a marathon ?" Taehyung shrugged, holding a remote control in his hand, both of the boys having the duvet over their lap to cover their mess. The scene was a disaster.

Both of them had a bit of messy hair, flushed red in the face, obviously trying to hold in panting and their shirts where sweaty. "We decided to workout, you know getting some abs and stuff" Jungkook said. "Alright". Mr.Kim came closer making them gulp. He sat down besides them. "Is everything okay?" The boys heart was beating a million times an hour. "Yeah why?" Taehyung said gulping. "You... nevermind that, let's go downstairs and wait h a movie together" he held out his hand.

"Can we change first? We're really sweaty from the working out." Jungkook said. "Oh my bad of course you can." He said closing the door. "Oh my god- no no no- never again." Jungkook stood up pulling up his pants and boxers, still having an hard on. Taehyung got up too. "Nooo let's continue- I- I cns go faster so we'll finish-" Jungkook put his finger on his lips. "... no❤️" he said cheekily and went to his room to change and finish his problem. Taehyung frowned and did the same before going down to see a movie.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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