33. In my stead

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A narrow room bounded with plain white walls, a small window, a single bed, a blanket, a pillow. Brett’s used to it, having a tight space. His office cubicle was like that too, but his friends Lanna and Ray made the boring office life lively. 

Brett smiled to himself. He thought he had to talk to them at least. Tell them not to worry much.

He then turned to the small open window. The moon shone brightly to Brett's face, reflected through his glasses. Just like that night when he bid his farewell to his beloved, their only witness, the enchanting Luna. She, who gazed upon all earth softly.

“Aren’t you lucky, moon?” Brett’s gaze never left the bright round, and she returned it with her shine.

As if reaching for the quiet Luna, he raised a hand. Basking in the soft moonlight that slipped through his slender fingers, Brett, “you can see my love, and he can see you too.”

He let out a breathy laugh, it’s absurd to be jealous of Luna, but what can Brett do? She’s closer to Earth than he’s with him. So in his heart, Brett prayed.

Maybe, Brett thought, if he wished for it hard enough, maybe if his love glanced at the same moon long enough... maybe, just maybe, he could reach him.

"How are you, Eddy?”

Brett’s soft lips whispered to the stars, another question that’ll hang quietly in the cold night’s air, “are you doing well?”

Though he knew, the glasses clad man still asked, in hope of a miracle. Though he knew... there’s no way the mortal can hear him.

He lost count of the passings days ever since he’s confined in his cell. In his every waking moment, Brett longed for Eddy. With every breath he took until his upcoming end, he loves Eddy.

There were times when his love appeared in his dreams. Brett never wasted any second to kiss him, to embrace him, to tell him every time he loves him, only to wake up the next morning with nothing but cold air between his arms.

A long breath escaped Brett’s lips, the hand he stretched up high slowly lowered. He let the night wind caress his face. The tips of his hair swayed, cradled by gentle the breeze.

Dreaded by abruptly leaving. Without a proper reason for his goodbye, Brett wouldn't be surprised if, he bit his lip, ...if Eddy came to hate him.

“Do each time I thought of you,” water started to pool in his eyes, “do you dream of me too?”

Like the twinkling stars and the full moon, viewed from the small window of his locked up cell, Brett and Eddy are under the same sky. Looking out for each other, complimenting each other, suited each other.

But despite all that, there was a well-known fact that between them... was the vast expanse of the universe.

The two lovers can't, just like the lone moon and the countless stars... they can't be together.

Pristine tears rolled down his smooth cheeks, “I’m sorry, Eddy...” a sniffle, “I can’t be with you.”

A sudden kick from his belly pulled Brett from his melancholy. As if the child felt his sadness and decided to remind him, "I'm here" to cheer him up.

This made Brett emit a soft smile as he wiped his eyes with a hand. Gently rubbing his belly, he whispered to his child,

“stay with Eddy... in my stead.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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