Chapter XI

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Disclaimer: Please do not hate on this story for this is only a fan fiction and none of this is canon(except in my heart). <3

Lesley's POV,

My face felt dry as I woke up to a heavy morning. I rubbed my eye and a colorful consistency appeared on my fingers. I didn't  wash off my makeup, fuck.

I went into my bathroom and began scrubbing my face. My mind regaining consciousness on what happened last night. I scratched the back of my head and adjusted my eyepatch. I then grabbed my red uniform and changed into my usual Musketeer look. My mind felt stress building up as I thought about Duke Paxley and the mission to assassinate his son. How would I explain that I've developed mutual feelings for Gusion.

I brushed off the feeling and focused on thinking of an excuse. I then grabbed my rifle and headed for the door.

I went to my post and stood guard. I blew my bangs out of my face and fidgeted with the white sleeve on my uniform. My mind drifted off into thinking of what to say when Duke Paxley comes. I rubbed the fabric in a circular motion while my eyes became blank. And soon, the door opened.


What laid before my eyes didn't look like Fanny. Her hair went from a soft pink to a dynamic strawberry blonde. Her usual navy blue armor was replaced by a skirt with gold and silver lining. The simple white covering and the gold red brooch became sterling shoulder pads. But the true statement of her new look was the angelic yellow wings she had on her back. But the annoying face she carried still stayed the same. Don't tell her I said that.

My jaw dropped when she stepped out.

"Fanny, you're..." I paused, "You're a Lightborn!"

She then turned a full 360, the light shining off the silver and gold plated armor. Then she smiled brightly.

"I know right?! I can't believe I actually made the top five!" She squealed and hugged me tightly, "I'm a fucking Lightborn, bitch."

"Do the others know?"

Suddenly the door slammed open again.

"LESLEY DID YOU KNOW FANNY IS A LIGHTBORN- oh shit you do-DAMMIT FANNY, YOU BEAT ME TO IT!" Kimmy yelled in one breath as Natalia catched up a few seconds later. You gotta love my friends.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be at your posts?" I chuckled.

"No way," Fanny scoffed, "I have to taunt Granger and Alucard that I made the squad before them."

"Okay you told Lesley, now we have to go back." Natalia muttered, grabbing Kimmy by the arm.

I'm always last to know something that happens, like when Tigreal asked Nat out and when Fanny became a Lightborn, I need to stop thinking about Gusion for awhile and catch up with them.


As our shifts ended we decided to walk through the courtyard.

"Now that Fanny is a Lightborn, you're the only one who's not blonde in our friend group, Nat." Kimmy laughed. Natalia just rolled her eyes.

"Um guys," I interjected, staring a nearby tree, "Looks like the Princess and the General are talking." I pointed out as the four of us hid behind a pillar.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Natalia whispered-shouted, "I do not want to make conversation with them!"

"Jealous that the General is going to leave you for the Princess?" I joked as she glared daggers at me.

"Let's just turn around if you're that uncomfortable with it, Nat." Fanny offered.

"Who says I'm uncomfortable with it?!"

"Ooh, she's turning red again." I laughed.

"Shut up! You don't know what I'm feeling about it."

"Just because you have a lover doesn't mean you're the only one who knows about feelings." Kimmy correct, rolling her eyes playfully.

"And you do?"


"In fact I do, there's this guy from Eruditio named X-Borg. I can bring him here if you'd like."

"What's so good about getting a boyfriend anyways?" Fanny laughed.

"You and that thief seem pretty close."

"Don't you dare!"

"Why are even talking about this?" I interjected.

"Yeah guys!" Kimmy agreed, moving next to me and patting me on my shoulder, "Let's all shut up and let Lesley share about her love life-



Third Person POV,

Princess Silvanna and General Tigreal have been discussing the conflicts between the War of the Moniyan and the Dark Abyss.

"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEAN!" They heard a voice call out.

"Darn right it is!" Another voice continued.

They both turned their heads to the source of the conversation.

"What was that?" Princess Silvanna asked, putting a hand over her heart in instinct.

Tigreal pulled out his sword and moved closer to the pillar.

"By order of the Empire, show yourselves at once!"


Lesley's POV,

Oh shit, they've noticed us.

"Run!" Fanny blurted out.

All four of us went in separate directions on instinct, Fanny with her cables, Kimmy with her weird jet pack thing, Natalia with her invisibility, and me with my camouflage.

As I reached higher ground, my mind began focusing again. My mind was praying that the others forgot about the topic of my love life. But then again, they're my best friends;I don't want to keep it a secret from them.

No matter, I'm meeting Gusion in the courtyard at midnight, and that's all I should focus on right now.


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