Darth Pine-Hatred

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"I was destined to become...so much more," he said to Whitley before he is shown speaking to Velvet.

"The Sith," Darth Salem was shown walking down a ramp, a black hood concealing her face. "The Sith took everything from me," Oscar snapped.

Oscar-Ripped me from my mother's arms, murdered my brother, used me as a weapon and then casted me aside.

Salem pins both Oscar and Whitley to a window twelve feet off the ground. "Abandoned me." Oscar holds up a black bladed lightsaber. "Once I had power, now I have nothing," he shakes his head at Velvet.

The Audience see him on his knees in the middle of a desert.


"Ripped from his mother's arms," the students all repeated in horror.

"Murdered his brother," the adults said. Summer and Glynda covered their mouths as tears formed. Ozpin tightened the grip on his cane and web-like cracks formed on his mug.

"Used him as a weapon, and then casted him aside," The villians said. Tyrian and Cinder being the ones with more worry and fear. Fear that fate may happen to them.

In a throne room, Amber Autumn and Oscar stand. Oscar lets out a heavy sigh and says, "We were both tools for greater powers." Amber narrows her eyes at the statement.

Oscar and Darth Vader stand holding their lightsabers. "So, you are what I could have been, had I remained by Salem's side." Oscar says sadly. "The what if's we can think of are flights of fantasy," Darth Vader replied. He looks to his left hand. "Our lives were sealed the moment we meet our master."

Many were surprised by the meeting. Ruby and her family along with Winter looked to the screen sadly. For both Qrow and Oscar.

Oscar kneels to Salem, "I played my part," he turns to Melanie and asked, "and do you know what happened to me?"

Salem-Remember, there can only be two. And you are no longer my apprentice.

Oscar holds his hand out like he was tossing something away. "I was cast aside," he said.

Salem Force slammed Oscar against the wall and the floor. "Have mercy," he begged. "Please. Please! Have mercy!"

A sadistic grin was visible under Salem's hood. "There is no mercy," she said before she shoots Force Lightning at the man.

"I was forgotten."

Tears were starting to form in everyone's eyes as they looked on.

Back onscreen, Oscar looks from Velvet after hearing her real name. "Real name?" he said confused. "Ah yes, I had a real name, but it's been so long I...don't remember."

Oscar inspects his prosthetic legs with Whitley standing next to him. "It has been so long and my path has been dark."

"Darker then I could ever dream it could be." Oscar follows a green ball of flames with a crazed look of awe.

"But I survived," Oscar says determined.

Oscar and Velvet walk through the remains of his home village. "I am the last survivor," he says as the Audience see a brief memory of Oscar's people being slaughtered by Salem's forces.

"And I can thrive in the chaos that is to come." Salem pulls her hood over her face.

"Now," Oscar stands before holograms of multiple crime lords.

The Multiverse Of Oscar Pine and Qrow BranwenWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu