Cashing in the Favors (Important A/N at the Beginning)

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**Y'all. Who was going to tell me I was going to get a shit ton of requests in one day? I have 6 new chapters I'm working on this week - they'll all be up by next Friday - and this is just a tiny little drabble in the meantime because the idea was stuck in my head. I have a couple other ideas, too, including a weird songfic I have in my head as if this is 2010 AO3. As for the requests, I know some that were commented have gotten lost in the shuffle, so I'm also going back through this book and doing some that I find through the chapters. No guarantee I'll get them all, but I'll try. If you have a request you really want to see, please PM me!! 

This is a crossover fic which is so weird a new, but I really liked writing it. Fun fact: the Gotham Gazette is a real newspaper??? In real life??? Anyways... Enjoy!!**

Tony paced and quietly urged Bruce to pick up the phone. It hadn't been too long since the two had spoken, but Bruce was a busy man and Tony knew that-



"Tony. Always a pleasure to hear from you, but I will have to decline an invitation to the upcoming party. After the last one, the Gotham Times ran that picture of us in those plastic crowns for weeks and-"

"Bruce," Tony interrupted. "I need a favor. I'm cashing in the checks."

Bruce hummed. "How many checks?" Over the years, Tony had bailed Bruce out of a number of things, from helping out in Gotham to making carefully times statements about Wayne Enterprises to bailing out Bruce's company during the most recent recession.

"All of them. Please, I just need a little favor." Tony heard the tell-tale squeak of an office chair and then there was the noise of a door shutting.

"Is this a job for me or Batman?"


There was a beat of silence and Tony could picture Bruce's forehead crinkling with suspicion. In all the years Bruce and Tony had been friends, Tony had never called in a personal favor from Bruce. It made sense, of course, they could have their companies getting tangled together, but it wasn't like their friendship was a secret. They had been caught on camera at plenty of fundraisers and company galas. Batman was a different thing, though. Tony called for intelligence or super-backup plenty of times.

"What's going on, Tones? What do you need? A bail out?"

Tony let out a shaky laugh. "No, nothing like that. I'm just out on a business trip and there's been an emergency back home. I can't get home tonight and my son is sick out of his head and-"


"Oh, did I mention I have a son?" Tony asked mockingly. "Must have slipped my mind."

Bruce rolled his eyes. "And? Why are you calling me instead of one of your little super-friends?"

"Because you have a whole zoo of kids and you are the most qualified to look after my little spider." Tony hadn't mentioned his personal life to Bruce in years and now, in less than five minutes, he was hearing about Tony's secret son - an enhanced son at that.

"And you want me to go up to New York and get a kid?"

"Please," Tony said, pleading bleeding into his voice. "Bruce, I wouldn't ask if I thought anyone else could handle this. Pepper's with me, the other Bruce is with Thor off planet. And we both know none of the others have any experience with kids."

Bruce sighed hard. "Fine. I'll go get him in an hour."

Tony let out a relieved sigh and hastily said thank you and goodbye. He disconnected.

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