That's Not How You Do It

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**Another request by PinkyHeartt where Peter teaches the Avengers how to do Legos**

Peter was bored. With a capital B.

The teen wandered the compound, wanting to do anything but his homework. Tony had been dragged to a meeting, and having taken Peter in for the weekend while Aunt May was out of town, he had decided to take Peter with him.

The compound was super boring. Peter didn't know where anything was, so he couldn't even go down to the labs and help with someone.

Peter: I'm bored, where are the labs? Or people I can talk to?

The teen anxiously awaited Tony's reply.

Mr. Stark: Kid, you don't have clearance here, you can't work in the labs. Just play on your phone, I'm almost done.

Peter: I already played on my phone, I'm out of lives in all my games.

Mr. Stark: OMG, fine, I was saving this for later, but you're clearly gonna go crazy if you don't have something to do right now. Go back to the office we were in when I got here, there's a gift for you in the closet. It was for your birthday, but I'll just get you something else.

Peter: OMG I love you, thanks!!

The teen took off down the hall, excited to see what was waiting for him. When he finally got to the office, he threw open the door, and dug around the closet. There was a large box wrapped in Avengers paper near the back.

The teen tore open the wrapping, gasping as he realized what he was looking at. It was the brand new Lego set, the Spiderman one, to be exact. Tony had been getting Peter silly Spiderman-themed gifts for a while now, a sort of inside joke between them. Peter had retaliated by getting Tony an Ironman Build-a-Bear. The teen didn't know, but Tony slept with it every night.

The teen dumped all the Legos out, organizing the bags and booklets.

"Yo, Tones, I need-" A man walked into the room, startling Peter. "Oh," he said, looking down at the kid. "I was looking for Tony, usually this is his office when he is here."

"It is, I'm waiting for him. He's in a meeting, but knowing him, he'll leave early. He'll be here in the next hour or so."

The man looked startled that this kid knew so much about Tony. "Are you the intern?"

Peter nodded. He always forgot that the other superheroes didn't know he was Spiderman. To everyone else, he was just Tony's intern.

The man sat down on the couch behind Peter. "Name's Sam, I'm Falcon."

"Peter. Intern." The teen was focused on his work, organizing the pieces from the first bag into piles. There was a silence, then Sam spoke again.

"What are you building?"

"New Legos."

"Huh, I've never actually built those." At that, Peter spun around, finally giving Sam his attention. 

"I'm sorry, you've never WHAT?" Peter exclaimed.

"I've never built Legos," Sam shrugged, and closed his eyes. He felt someone tug him off the couch, and when he opened his eyes, he was on the ground, face to face with the teen.

"You're going to help me. You always start by sorting the pieces. Then we'll build the first part of the set using book 1. Then we organize the next bag, and use the next book, step by step.

Sam looked at the first step in the first book. He grabbed a couple pieces and starting sticking things together, following the instructions, but only roughly.

"No, no, stop! That's not how you do it. Okay, jeez, you gotta count the dots! See, this one is connected to the big piece by the fourth dot, you gotta follow the instructions exactly!" Peter fixed Sam's pieces, then shoved them back into his hands.

The two sat in silence, interrupted only by Sam answering a few texts.

!0 minutes later, 3 more of the Avengers joined them, each one listening carefully to Peter and Sam's instructions, then helping with the building of the set.

More and more Avengers joined them, until nearly 10 people were smashed into the small office, each person carefully putting Legos together in silence.


Tony walked briskly down the hall. He just wanted to get his kid and leave, the meeting had been a disaster, and he just needed some quality time with the teen in the lab.

He shoved his door open, surprised to see Natasha staring at him.

"Hello," he said bluntly. Tony shimmied his way into the room, looking around. "What the hell is going on in here?"

"Language," Steve said from his criss-cross-applesauce position on the floor, next to the curly haired teen putting Legos together.

"We're doing Lego, Mr. Stark! Did you know no one here had ever done them before?" Peter's voice was heavy with joy, and Tony couldn't help but crack a smile. The whole team was a little stunned to see how easily this kid could break Tony's hard exterior.

"Looks like you've been keeping them entertained," the billionaire said, leaning against his desk. "Are we gonna talk about how you love me, though, kid?"

Peter turned a faint shade of red, embarrassed to be called out in front of his heroes, and even more embarrassed that he had sent that text to Tony.

"Sorry, Mr. Stark, I didn't mean to overstep and I just-"

Tony cut him off. "Hey, kiddo, it's fine, I'm not upset or anything. Actually, I was going to say that I love you, too." There was an awkward silence as the whole team held their breath. It wasn't often that Tony opened up, and clearly this kid needed a father figure.

Then Peter jumped up and rushed into Tony's arms, giving him a hug. "Thanks... Dad."

Tony's eyes lit up in shock, then he wrapped his own arms around the teen and smiled. "No problem, Underoos."

The group of supers smiled, each one happy to have witnessed the sweet moment.

"Wait, Underoos?" Steve said. "You mean like the kid from Berlin?"

Peter and Tony looked at one another, each with identical looks of panic.

"Oh, is that the time?" Peter looked down at his watch, clearly looking for an excuse to run out of the room as soon as possible.

"Oh, boy, jeez, better get going," Tony said. The billionaire and Peter ran out the door, both laughing their butts off.

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